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Orange, Conn. 1845-50
Exerpts [i.e., excerpts] from a letter written to Judge Charles R. Grant of Akron Ohio on July 19, 1923 by Charles F. Smith of West Haven, Conn. (born June 6, 1836). This part of the letter was directed to Charles' brother Henry Clay Grant, born Feb. 3, 1836 and a schoolmate of Smith.
"The Orange Green has changed but little since you lived there, with the exception of some elm trees that were set out some 35 years ago. The maple tree at the corner of the Church is still there. The Church when one is standing in front looks the same except there is but one door where there used to be three. The steple [i.e., steeple] with the vane full of bullet holes is the same. In the rear of the Church is the addition built for the organ and pulpit. The galleries where the boys used to sit and wink over to the girls on the other side have been lowered.
"Your house was burned and the site is now owned by the Church.
"The old Academy was taken away and a town hall built where it stood. Elford Russell built a house south of the parsonageo, the only house that has been built there since your father built his house.
"Now I will tell you who lived in the houses on and near the Green when you lived there. North of the Church Col. Potterx. I think his was the only house you passed in going to schoolo until you came to Jerah Treat's near the school. I do not think that Alphus Merwinox built his house until you were about 10 years old. There were but a few buried in the cemetary [i.e., cemetery]ox at that time. It was not started until 1804.
"Doc Josiah Colburn was living east of the Church where B. T. Clarkox now lives. Dennis B. Stoneox lived on the other corner and kept store in the front of his house. Ingham lived next with a shoe shop between his house and the Academyo. Next south, old Ben Clark. Next house said to be the first Meething [i.e., Meeting] House built in Orange, moved there and burned when you was quite young. I can just remember the fire. Next was owned by the widow of Harvey Treat and mother of Ann Augusta. She may have been a school mate of yours. I know she was one of mine in the old Academy. Next south Nathan Oviatts [i.e., Oviatt's]x. Ben Rogers married his daughter. He was cross eyed. You could not tell which way he was looking. His father was a butcher. His shop was on the road to New Haven..........
"A knife maker lived across the road from Orviatts. I forget his name.
Further down the road on the east side lived Merritt Bryan, he had a birth mark. Nearly one half of his face was red. Across the road lived Treat Rogers, a jolly old soul but most always full. North of him lived his father Jonathanx. I have heard that when the old eagle bank in New Haven failed he had enough of their bills in his house to paper a room. North of him lived Jonahx brother of Treat and like him a hard drinker. Near your house was the parsonage in which when you were young lived Cyrus Brewster with his young wife and children.