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Parcel 15A
637 Orange Center Road

In 1909 the town constructed the Orange Center School, a red brick, one and a half story building containing four classrooms. It was set off by a front gable with white trim and recessed front door. The land was donated by Frank C. and Watson S. Woodruff. Two additional parcels of land were acquired for larger athletic fields, one in 1934 when the Harris house (Parcel 14) was moved, and the other from Joseph and Henry Clark.

Twice additions have been erected. Four rooms were added in 1925 in the same style as the original building. In 1950 a complete new building of eleven rooms and large auditorium-gymnasium was connected to the older building. A central courtyard created by the large addition was landscaped by the Garden Club of Orange. In 1956 the school was renamed to honor Miss Mary L. Tracy, teacher and principal of the school for many years, and a native of Orange.

This was the first central school in Orange and contained grades 1 through 8. In 1979 the building's use as a school was terminated and it was used for a short period of time as a community center.
Benjamin Clark1871(see map)
Frank C & Watson WoodruffTown of Orange1909W.H.
Ernest HarrisTown of OrangeSept.1934Orange146105
J.N. & Henry ClarkTown of OrangeNov. 1935Orange146163