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Town Incorporation
The incorporation of the town was truly a hard won victory as shown by an item taken from the records of the Town of Milford which states:
At a Special meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Milford legally warned and held April 30th, 1821
William Strong, Esq. was chosen Moderator
A copy of the memorial and citation of the Parish of North Milford Society, & of the Inhabitants of the Parish of West Haven & others; pray to be incorporated into a town with Town privileges, be read & laid before the meeting.
Voted, that the Town will oppose said petition before the Hon General Assembly to be convene at Hartford in May next; & that Samuel B. Gunn Esq. be appointed as a Agent as above.
Voted, that William Strong, Esq. be appointed as Agent to collect evidence respecting the petition of North Milford & others & transmit the same to the Agent at Hartford.
Voted, that the Agent at Hartford be directed to oppose foresaid petition so far as that the old race road so called be the West line & the South line be a half mile North of the proposed line.
Recorded, Samuel Higby Clerk
At a Special meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Milford legally warned and held at the Town House in said Milford May 5th, 1819
Daniel Buckingham was chosen Moderator
Upon petition of the Inhabitants of the Society of North Milford and West Haven & others to be incorporated into a Town.
Voted, that the Town will appoint an Agent to propose said petition and that Benjamin Bull, Esq. be appointed to oppose said petition at the next General Assembly of this State.
Recorded, Samuel C. Higby Clerk
Thus it may be noted that on at least two separate occasions the Town of Milford opposed the petition of the farmers of North Milford to incorporate their area as a town in its own right.
[picture caption] The spire of the Orange Congregational Church and the Orange sign on the green create an eye-pleasing, old New England setting for travelers riding along Orange Center Road.