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Jr., son of Richard Bryan of Milford. This area became known as Bryan's Farms.
An excerpt from the Milford Land Records of March 23, 1721, states:
Know all men by these presents that I Richard Bryan (Sr.) of Milford in ye County of New Haven in the Colony of Connecticut in New England for and (in) confideration of (the) love good will and affection which I have and do bear towards my loving son Richard Bryan of Milford in the County and Colony aforesaid have given and granted and by these presents do freely clearly and abfolutely give grant unto ye my farm both for quality and quantity with an house and barn being and Standing theron the whole of (the) farm contains 208 acres more or less lying ypon the High Plains partly and is bounded with an Highway (on the) East West North and South as may appear upon (the) Sd Milford Records all which Sd one half of ye Sd Farm with a dwelling house which ye (said) Richard Bryan now dwells in a barn (near) by (the) Sd House the (dwelling of my) said Son Richard Bryan and is (his) to have and to hold (together) with the appurtances 'priviliges' and commodities (belonging) to the same or in any wise appertaining to him ye Sd Richard Bryan 'an' his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever and further (that) ye Sd Richard Bryan do covenant to and with the Sd my son Richard Bryan his heirs and afsigns shall quietly an peaceably have hold and enjoy all and singular ye aforesaid half (of the) Sd Farm with (a) house and barn theron with all the privileges and appurtances thereunto belonging forever without any 'lett' of moleftation from any perfon or perfons that shall lay any legal claim thereunto or to any part thereof. In wittness wherof I have hereunto sett to my hand and seal this
[picture caption] When Richard Bryan, Jr., first settled within the present boundaries of Orange in 1721, he built this house in the High Plains area. Located at 131 Old Tavern Road, and presently owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh N. Emerson, the house still retains the charm and character of the colonial period.