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Religious Library
In 1804 the Bryan's Farms area became known as North Milford. Surprisingly, in this year also, a public library was established. Most of its volumes were of a religious nature in keeping with the times, and by 1816 it contained 144 volumes. No further mention can be found concerning this library and it was not until 1957 that townspeople again set up a public library. In 1869, however, it was noted that the Sabbath School had a well selected library of 400 volumes. Perhaps this was the extension of the library started in 1804.
Move to Separate
Also in 1804 at a "General Assembly of the State of Connecticut holden - at Hartford - on the second Tuesday in May, A.D. 1804" those living in Bryan's Farms petitioned the General Assembly for the "establishment of a separate (church) Society in the Northerly part of (Milford) said Town." Those spearheading the petition were Samuel Treat of the first Ecclesiastical Society and Joseph Treat of the second Ecclesiastical Society in the Town of Milford plus others of their neighbors belonging to these societies who felt that the 12 meetings per year in the winter months, which had been allowed each year since 1796, were insufficient. In presenting their petition to the General Assembly, they contended that their attendance at public worship in Milford was "accompanied with inconvenience" and was "sometimes rendered impossible."
Though a former petition had been denied due to vigorous opposition from the two societies in the southern part of Milford, this request was allowed by the General Assembly. A charter was granted to the group in Bryan's Farms and the society was formally organized on the first Monday in December, 1804,
[picture caption] The toll house on the Derby Turnpike and Everett's Tavern, circa 1885, were located near the Maltby Lakes. The posters on the shed adjacent to the tavern promote appearances of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in the area.