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Savastanos moved to Duxbury, Massachusetts, where Humbert died in January, 1968.
Legion Post Founded
The American Legion Post #127 was organized with 23 members in 1931. In 1956 the members began to build on Grassy Hill Road near the Wepawaug River and on Sunday, June 26, 1959, the basement portion of the legion building was dedicated.
Orange Today
In 1939 Christian Smith, who owned a turkey farm in West Haven, purchased property on Orange Center Road. In 1940 he and his family moved to Orange and established their turkey farm.
Following World War II rapid changes occurred which greatly influenced life in rural Orange. On the horizon there appeared industrial improvements, a home building boom, an increased speed of travel, and an influx of new residents to the town. All of these developments gave impetus to an increased growth in Orange with their concomitant needs. Thus each brought the list of change which follows.
By 1950 Orange was definitely experiencing growing pains in its school system. In quick succession the townspeople found it necessary to add 11 rooms to the Orange Center School. In 1951 a second kindergarten class was added. In 1954 the Amity Regional High School was built in Woodbridge. Seventh and eighth grades left Orange Center School for the regional school.
The parish of the Holy Infant was established in Orange and in 1951 the church building on Race Brook Road was completed.
[picture caption] Top left: Former Police Chief Carl A. Peterson on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle he used to patrol the Boston Post Road in 1935.
Top right: Present Chief Joseph Cummings.
Bottom: The Orange Police Station on the Boston Post Road shortly after it was dedicated in 1950.