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farm operated by Walter Hine. On Lambert Road the Ewens still keep cows and the geese wander across the road.
On Indian River Road, the Capecelatros and the Cuzzocreos keep busy year round, raising flowers for the wholesale market.
Many of the residents now work in Hartford, Waterbury, Bridgeport and even New York, but the town, though growing, retains much of the charm of bygone days. Of course there are houses built on the old Fairgrounds now and a golf course spreads across part of the area that was known as Tyler City, but sometimes, in imagination, we can still see those landmarks of another time.
Edith and Alton Mabry, Jr.
[picture caption] Top: The Spring Brook Farm on Indian River Road retains the farming character of early Orange although it is only a stone's throw from the Boston Post Road.
Bottom: The Mathewson Tool Company on Indian River Road is typical of the light industry in town in the 1970's.