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April 26th. Meeting in the 1st Dist. Schoolhouse
Prayer was offered, and an Address delivered by Rev. Mr. Burleigh. 8 signatures obtained.

Monthly Meeting April 28th in the Meetinghouse Prayer was offered By the Rev Mr Belden and an address delivered by the Ref L Burleigh from 1st Kings 12.28. "Behold thy Gods O Isarel"
Delegates to the County Meeting to be hald in Westville May 22. Lewis Bradley
Samuel POtter, A H Alling, W W Belden
1850 Oct. 13th__ Anual [i.e., annual] Meeting held in the Congregational Church. was addressed by Rev Mr Burleigh. at the close of the meeting Officers were appointed for the ensuing year viz     Rev W. W. Belden     Pres
Joseph B. Riggs     Vice ..
A. H. Alling     2d Do [?] & Secy. & Treas.