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PART I. EARLY BEGINNING After crossing the Housatonic River, and riding north on the beautiful, new Wilbur Cross Parkway, the traveler is very soon notified ''This is Orange." We would like to add a background of history to this peaceful scene of rolling hills and fertile meadows, so that the present generation may have a better understanding of the character and stamina of the pioneers who first cleared the way, making it easier for others to follow. Paraphrasing Daniel Webster's tribute to Dartmouth College in its early days, ''She is a little town, nestled among the hills, but there are those who love her."
Though small in area and mileage, when compared with some of the other towns in the state, nevertheless it occupies a place of importance, since it is placed in a strategic point at the threshhold of a prominent city.
If Rome was founded on seven hills, so was Orange, and some of the names have come down from the Indians. Turkey Hill, Grassy or Grassie Hill, George's Cellar Hill, Indian Hill, Chestnut Ridge or Long Hill, Marsh Hill, and Cemetery Hill. Most of these hills are clearly indicated on the early maps of the town. In the days of unimproved roads, they were much more formidable than in the present state of graded, hard surfaced and easy slopes; excepting when King Winter coats them with ice. Then a liberal carpet of sand and extreme care are required to make the grades. Vastly different aspects are presented by the two main arteries that run through the town. The Derby Turnpike on the north is a four lane road of scenic beauty, passing placid lakes, crested hills, attractive homes, and culminating in the Wilbur Cross Parkway. In sharp contrast, the Milford Turnpike, or the Boston Post Road,