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the ancient Line to the place of the beginning, and that all the Inhabitants living within said limits be comprehended in said Society. And your petitioners Further pray that they may have asserted and set out to them for the support of the ministry and public worship among them, their part and proportion of the said funds of each of the said Societies, according to their Grand List as taken from each of said Societies, or in some way grant their relief , and they as in duty bound will ever pray.
Samuel Treat (for themselves and associates)
Joseph Treat
Samuel Fenn
Elias Clark
Isaac Treat
Samuel Treat
Robert Treat, Jr.
Amos Mallory
David Treat
David Nettleton
Amos Nettleton
Josiah Fowler
Ichabod A. Woodruff
Samuel Fenn, Jr.
Joseph Treat, Jr.
Aaron Hine
Peck Fenn
Gideon Alling
Aaron Hine, Jr.
Benjamin Fenn, Jr.
Jonathan Treat
Benjamin Clark, Jr.
Joseph Pardee
Asa Sperry
Asa Platt
Jonah Treat
Joseph Stone
Benjamin Clark
Mary Woodruff
Elias Andrew
Josiah Boardman
William Fowler
David Johnson
Jonas Boughton
Jesse Hodge
Elias Clark, Jr.
John Lambert
Ephraim N. Lambert
Joel Woodruff
John Treat
Jeremiah Parker
Margaret Andrew
Isaac Nettleton
Andrew Parker
Robert Treat
David Treat, Jr.
Enoch Clark, Jr.
Jonathan Fowler
Joseph Treat
Hezekiah Lounsbury
Richard Treat
Abraham Hine"
A former petition had been denied owing to the earnest opposition of the southern part of the town. But this time the request was allowed, a charter was granted, the Society was organized on the first Monday in December, 1804. And for over a hundred years, the Society held its annual meeting on that date.
Regular preaching services began immediately after the organization of the Society, and on February 24, Mr. Erastus Scranton, a student at Yale, a candidate for the ministry, preached his first sermon and continued to occupy the pulpit until July when, after his graduation, he was ordained pastor of the church and society. He was a native of Madison and was described as a ''strong, tall,