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And last, the widow's stone bears this message:
Eunice, widow of B. L. Lambert, who died June 27, 1845, aged 54.
''Thou hast gone from us, dear mother,
Thy voice no more we hear
Thou hast left our kindred circle
A brighter home to cheer."
Finally, the most brief and poignant epitaph is:
George Merwin, son of Merwin and Elizabeth Andrew, died April 10, 1876, aged 9 yrs.
"Papa, I'm coming"
For a small town, Orange may justly be proud of the record of its sons and daughters, too, when a call to the colors was urgent. The earliest military record we have was the commission of Joseph Treat to be Ensign of the first train band in Milford, in 1698. In 1704 he was a Lieutenant, and became Captain in 1708.
The next original document was issued to Captain Joseph Woodruff, of the 1st military company in Milford by Roger Newton, Colonel of the 2nd Regiment, on October 23, 1756, in which Captain Woodruff was ordered to recruit "five able bodied and effective men'' to go forward to join the Army at Lake George. He was ordered to furnish each man ''with a good blanket and firelock, and proper accoutrements; together with half a pound of powder, and a pound of bullets, unless any shall seasonable supply themselves."
The next commission was given by Thomas Fitch, Governor and Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's Colony of Connecticut, May 1, 1762, and issued to Isaac Clark, informing him that he had been accepted by the General Assembly of this Colony to be a Lieutenant of the 2nd Company or Trainband, in the 2nd Regiment.
Another commission in the Colonial Army just prior to the Revolution was given by Jonathan Trumbull, Esq., Captain-General and Commander-in-chief of his Maj-