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sold to Mary and Albert Sylvia, the present owners. The additions which were put on did not conform to the original style of architecture and did not improve its appearance, but it still caters to the traveler, as it is now maintained as a ''Tourist Home."
Before we leave the subject of the Half-way House, we might note in passing that in his history of Milford, Mr. Scranton says: ''Mary Ann Luce a French woman, stabbed a knife into her breast, left side, at Mrs. Woodruff's Inn, in consequence of which she died in thirty minutes, A.D. 1814.''
The oldest house in the town, as previously mentioned, is supposed to have been built around 1720 by Richard Bryan, a grandson of Alexander Bryan, one of the original "Planters." It is now the home of Miss Virginia N. Rhodes.
The house has retained its original lines, with its long, sloping roof . The outstanding feature is the massive fireplace which takes up nearly one whole side of the room which was probably the kitchen.
The Isaac Treat house on Grassy Hill is a fine example of early architecture, and has been kept or restored to its original lines. The house was started before the Revolutionary War, but had to wait for over two years for its completion because the blacksmith who was making the nails went off to the War, so nothing could be done until his return. At a south-east window of the attic was a loft or lookout to watch for Indians. On a joist in the attic there were recently found a slipper and a little bundle of switches, an old custom observed in building, as a guarantee of happiness for the young couple who were g to occupy the house.
The present owner is John F. Single, Jr.