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which building was later moved back and converted into a barn to make room for the present house. Samuel Prudden was a valuable member of the Orange Church.
The need of adequate facilities for teaching the children was demonstrated in the early days of the town, f or it is recorded that at a Town Meeting held in Milford, December 10, 1750, it was "voted that money should be appropriated to the inhabitants of Bryan's Farms, for the purpose of setting up a school in winter, it being so well settled that one is deemed necessary." Where this early school was located is unknown.
As soon as the Church was organized, they set about establishing a school system. The east meeting of the North Milford School Society was held on November 6, 1806. The section was divided into three districts: the southern part was called the First District, the northern part was called the Second District, and the western part was called the Third District. Jonah Treat was chosen to serve as committee-man from the First District, David Treat, 2nd, for the Second, and Benjamin Fenn for the Third District. These districts were set off from Milford, and after much discussion, the sum of $599 from the Milford budget was allowed for the expenses of the year. A committee-man was chosen for each district, who was to make the arrangements for said district, supply the teacher, and see that the necessary supply of wood was available. A committee, composed of the leading men of the town, was chosen to act as school visitors, who were to visit the schools and pass judgment on them. Very simple school houses were built, with wood used to supply the heat.
No special preparation seemed necessary to qualify as a teacher. After the formation of the Town of Orange, the Allingtown section was added to the School Society and was called the Fourth District. In 1882 some of the 60