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fees taxed in any court in any criminal proceeding in favor of any police officer except supernumerary officers serving without compensation arising out of the performance of their duties as members of the police department, shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Town. On January 1, 1947, this force was augmented by the appointment of six supernumeraries.
A Police Station is maintained on the Milford Turnpike, or, as it is officially known, the Boston Post Road, U. S. Route No. 1.
In the early days of the Town, no such thing as a trained nurse was known. If there was serious illness in a family, and the mother needed help, some of her kind neighbors would come in, giving the benefit of their practical experience rather than expert training. In 192 5 Willis N. Buttrick was appointed Health Officer, serving both Orange and Milford for a few years. The committee included Mrs. John R. Demarest and Mrs. P. B. O'Sullivan. In 1930 a nurse from the Derby Visiting Nurse Association came to the school once a week. The next year it was voted to have a public health nurse in the school for half-time service every day. Miss Johanna Mueller, R.N., was the first nurse, followed in 1933 by Mrs. Magdalene Fox, R.N.
At a Town Meeting in 1936, they voted to appropriate sufficient funds to employ a full-time health nurse, which position Mrs. Fox has filled since that time.
Each year at the holiday season, the Association assists in selling Christmas seals. Eighty-five per cent of the proceeds is retained for community care, to be used for X-Ray pictures and extra care for anyone afflicted with tuberculosis. Orange is one of a very few towns whose health department is included in the annual town budget; therefore, no extra drive for funds is necessary. On the death of Mr. Buttrick in 1938, Dr. Allan Poole was