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Church Records, 1804-1946, Orange Congregational Church
Orange Ecclesiastical Society, 1804-1929, Minutes of Meetings
Orange School Society Records, 1806-1908
Statistical History of Milford, Erastus Scranton, 1835, Town Clerk's Vault, Milford
Town Meeting Journal, Orange, 1822-1920, Town Clerk's Office, West Haven
Historical Recollections, MSS., Edward L. Clark, Orange
History of the Old Red House, MSS., Henry L. Woodruff, Orange, 1884 Derby Turnpike Journal, 1798-1897
Barber, John W., Connecticut Historical Collections, New Haven, 1856
Beers, Frederick W., Atlas of New Haven County, New York, 1868
Clark, George T., History of New Haven County
DeForest, John W., History of the Indians of Connecticut, Hartford, 1853
Dwight, Timothy, Travels in New England and New York
Hill, Edwin, History of New Haven County
History of Milford, Tercentenary Edition, 1939
History of West Haven, 1940
Lambert, Edward R., History of the Colony of New Haven, New Haven, 1838
Mitchell, Mary H., New Haven County, Connecticut, 3 volumes
Orcutt, History of Derby
Osborn, Norris, History of New Haven County
Prudden, Lillian E., Peter Prudden, a Story of his Life, 1901
Rockey, J. S., History of New Haven County, 2 volumes