Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Complete Programs of WNHC-TV
P.T.A. Committee Conducts Successful Dance
Seen at the Bethany Town Hall during the course of last Saturday evening’s festivities: The Committee and orchestra for the P.T.A. Dance, proceeds from which will be devoted to the purchase of teaching aids for the Community School. Seated, l. to r.: Mrs. Robert G. Terrell, Mrs. A. Raymond Johnson, and Mrs. Henry F. Riley. Second row: Arthur L. Simpson, A. Raymond Johnson, Edward C. Lee, Mrs. John Riley, and Henry F. Riley. In the back row are the members of the Merry Makers Orchestra, with John J. Whitehead at the right. Photo by Ringenberg.
Pomperaug Valley B. B. League Holds Annual Election of Officers
The Annual Meeting and election of officers of the Pomperaug Valley Baseball League was held in Oxford on Monday evening, March 26, with representatives from many western Connecticut towns in attendance.
After hearing reports of committees, the group held a general discussion of the prospects for the coming season, with particular reference to unsettled world conditions and the possibilities of war.
It was voted to reduce the number of teams in the League from ten to eight, with a waiting list. The members for the 1951 season will be Bethany, Huntington, Newtown, Oxford, Roxbury, Shelton, Southbury, and Woodbury. The schedule calls for a beginning of activities in May.
Officers for the coming year were chosen as follows: President, Arthur H. Kinney (Bethany); Vice-President, Herman Hellwinkle (Woodbury); Secretary, Earl Oleson (Oxford); and Treasurer, Dr. Malcolm H. Brinton (Bethany).
Important Conference on Education This Saturday in New Haven
Because of present interest in the local school situation many parents, citizens and teachers will attend the Annual Spring Educational Conference conducted by the New Haven State Teachers College Saturday morning, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Frank, principal speakers at the conference, will discuss the question “How Can Schools Foster the All Around Development of the Child?” The meeting is open to the public.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank are two of the country’s outstanding leaders in child development and in family relations. Their recent book written primarily for parents entitled “How to
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Bethany Boy Scouts Will Collect Paper This Sunday
Bethany residents are reminded that the Boy Scouts will conduct a drive for waste paper on Sunday, April 8. Collections will start in the morning, and bundles, securely tied, should be placed in a convenient pick-up location at an early hour.
B-O-W League Engages A.L. Bertrand To Direct Activities
The newly-established B-O-W League, set up to provide well-organized group sports in the towns of Bethany, Orange, and Woodbridge, has been fortunate enough to secure the services of A. L. Bertrand, Director of Physical Education at Arnold
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Mrs. Louis Antonelli Orange Girl Scouts’ New Assistant Leader
The Orange Girl Scouts met last Saturday afternoon at the home of their Leader, Mrs. C. Thorne Corse, on Grassy Hill Road, to plan for the tea and play which they will give for the mothers and for their sponsoring group, the Orange Woman’s Club, on May 5. Also present was the new Assistant Leader, Mrs. Louis P. Antonelli, whose experience includes five years as a Girl Scout in Oliver Hazard Perry Troop 2 in Providence, Rhode Island; as a Senior Patrol Leader at Camp Rockridge (a summer camp) and Camp Lowry (a winter camp). She is a candidate for Eagle Scout.
Orange Woman’s Club Hears Mrs. Johnston, Makes Supper Plans
Mrs. Douglas Johnston was the guest speaker at the March business meeting of the Orange Woman’s Club held recently in the home of Mrs. John Howell on Tyler City Road. Mrs. Johnston, who is editor of “The Connecticut Clubwoman,” gave an illustrated talk based on her 1949 trip around the world. Mr. Johnston added considerable interest to the program by alternating comments with Mrs. Johnston. Numbers of art objects from all countries were displayed after the main talk, with the travelling couple on hand to answer questions. The hostesses were Mrs. Harrie Patrick, Mrs. James Lynch, Mrs. Charles Melius, Mrs. Andrew Paterson, Mrs. Allison Smith, and Mrs. Herman Tetsloff. Guests were Mrs. Thomas Thibeau of the State Federation, Mrs. Fred Junemann, Mrs. W. A. Koch, and Mrs. Ray Rees.
A spaghetti supper is being planned to raise money for dishes. Mrs. James Lynch is
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All Taxpayers Urged To Attend Important Meeting of League at Town Hall Tonight at 8:00 P.M.
A large attendance is expected at the meeting of the Taxpayers’ League of Woodbridge tonight at 8:00 o’clock at the Town Hall. This meeting, the last one prior to the Annual Budget Hearing on April 11, will be an important one for all those who are interested in Woodbridge town affairs. (See Editorial Comment in this issue. –Ed.)
In order to clear up misunderstandings which may exist in the minds of local citizens, the officers of the League point out that the Budget Hearing, on April 11, presents an opportunity for an expression of views before the Board of Finance, for the Board’s guidance, without a formal vote necessarily being called for. At the subsequent Budget Meeting, on May 21, however, the voted approval of the electors is necessary. Between the Hearing and the Meeting, the taxpayers should further acquaint themselves with the proposals which they have heard discussed. To facilitate this, the Taxpayers’ League is planning meetings for April 26 and May 17. The subjects to be discussed at these meetings will be announced in these columns at a later date.
The agenda for tonight’s meeting includes: a report from the Woodbridge Fire Custodians, with an explanation of some of the anticipated expenditures for the coming year; a review of local Civil Defense, by Director Kenneth W. Howland; and a report summarizing the League’s findings regarding the recent reassessment of the Town.
Because of the exploratory nature of this meeting, an attempt will be made to limit the time of individual discussions so as to provide an opportunity for the expression of opinions by as many different taxpayers as possible. Those attending for the first time, however, will find that they are allowed ample time to express their views, within reasonable limits.
The Taxpayers’ League, laying emphasis on the gathering and dissemination of information, is attempting to provide a sounding-board for the free exchange of opinion, in order to enable taxpayers to attend both the Budget Hearing and the Budget Meeting with a better understanding of the decisions which are to be made.
All Woodbridge taxpayers are invited to attend tonight’s meeting, at which membership cards will be available. Annual dues are 50c per family.
Final Rankings in Woodbridge Bowling League Announced
Final rankings for the Junior bowling groups of the Woodbridge Club have been announced by Chairman Seelye C. Vidal. In the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade group, Judy Meister and Annette Mongillo tied for High Average score with 65. High Game score was
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Budget Hearing at CenterSchool Next Wednesday Evening
Earlier published reports to the contrary notwithstanding, the Budget Hearing scheduled for next Wednesday, April 11, will be held at the Woodbridge Center School, not at the Town Hall. A brief Special Town Meeting will follow the Hearing.
That evening’s Grange meeting, originally called for 8:00 P.M., will begin at 7:30, so that members who wish to do so may attend the Budget Hearing, which will begin at 8:00.
Mrs. Franklin Swift General Chairman of N. H. Flower Show
Mrs. Franklin Swift of Rimmon Road in Woodbridge is General Chairman of the annual New Haven Flower Show to be presented by the Garden Clubs of Connecticut scheduled for the New Haven Arena on April 16-20. Show hours will be continuous from 1 to 10:30 each day.
“Our Heritage” has been selected as the theme of the flower show. Special Daily features have been arranged to dramatize the theme of the day.
Approximately 135 flower arrangements will be displayed. Schedules containing the classes, rules and definitions have been printed and are now being distributed to the members of the Federated Garden
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Market Gardens on Woodbridge “Flats” Suffer Heavy Damage from Flood
In the market gardening business the elements render the decision as to whether the crop is going to be a success or a failure, and many crops, nurtured through months of careful hot-bed cultivation and set out laboriously by hand, never even start for the wholesale markets. Drought and flood account for most of the losses, although in recent years the gardeners have made some headway towards checking the former by irrigation and the latter by diking and channeling.
Last week’s flood, coming as a result of many hours of incessant rain, took its toll of about half of the present crop at the farm of Ettore Luciani, in the north end of the so-called “Flats” section of Woodbridge. Water, overflowing from Amity Road under the protection of darkness, washed out 10,000 lettuce plants and thousands of onion sets which had been transplanted from the cold-frames. The spinach, the only other crop transplanted so far, escaped with minor damage. Dandelions and turnips, “wintering over” in another section of the property, were not harmed.
In all about 225 acres of the “Flats” land are planted each year. Some of the gardeners, with a rough estimate of their acreage, are: John Perrotti (25), Joseph DeLucia (20), Sal DeLucia (25), Louis DeGennaro (30), Sam and Anthony Perrotti (25), Tony Perroti (25), Gaetano Pepe (20), Mary Barone (10), and Charles Perrotti (15). (Louis Sticco, although he lives in this section, has his garden in Orange.)
Each section of the land is expected to yield from two to four crops per season. The plants are begun in the hot-beds (also called cold-frames) in January and are set out as soon as the snow is off the ground. The scarcity of horses in this area has made it especially difficult to obtain a sufficient supply of fertilizer for the hot-beds. It is sometimes necessary to go as far as Niantic for it, and the price is increasing all the time.
The special favorites – the most profitable – are cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, and spinach. Also raised at some point in the area are: celery, endive, peppers, tomatoes, egg-plant, beets, parsley, carrots, dandelions, and pansies.
Raising more vegetables than the entire city of New Haven could consume in a season, the gardeners send much of their produce out of town – to Hartford, Springfield, New York, and Boston. It usually goes by truck, packed in boxes or crates – most of which are supplied by another resident of the area, Frank Perrotti.