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Plans were made and contracts let, and by popular subscription about $3,000.00 was raised, a sufficient amount to pay for the entire improvements, including interior redecorating, new carpets, exterior painting, etc. We quote the following from a memorandum record of our lamented Pastor: "All of these improvements were made at an approximate cost of $3,000.00, which the people contributed willingly and generously. The Church presented a beautiful appearance of which the people were justly proud. Under the efficient leadership of Deacon S. D. Woodruff, the whole people entered into the spirit of the celebration and preparation therefor, with earnestness and enthusiasm." In conclusion, your committee appointed to compile this record asks forbearance for any errors or omissions, and we can pay no better tribute of love and honor to our late Pastor, Rev. Benjamin M. Wright, who for eleven years gave to us his unselfish devotion and ministry, and whose character will still live to be felt among us as long as the generation that knew him survives, than to here record the resolution unanimously adopted by our church and which now stands spread upon our records.
Rev Newell M. Calhoun
Deacon E. L. Clark, Jr. Committee.
Watson S. Woodruff,
Upon motion of Wellington M. Andrew, the Clerk of the Ecclesiastical Society and the Clerk of the Church were appointed a Committee to draft a suitable resolution expressing the intense grief and sorrow of the Church and the entire community in the loss by death of our Pastor, Rev. B. M. Wright, and the following was unanimously adopted : RESOLVED : That as a memorial to our deceased pastor, Rev. Benjamin M. Wright, we adopt the following as an impelled expression of our appreciation of his life and character. Our pastor was, first of all, to each one of us, a friend, and like every true friend, he sought to reveal to us our faults and our failures, yet commended us for our virtues and our successes. Hating all that was wrong and mean, and