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The crisis came in the early 60's. Mr. Belden, Mr. Williams and Mr. Raymond had come and gone since Mr. Brewster was dismissed. A large debt had accumulated upon the Society.
Many had withdrawn and the outlook was exceedingly discouraging.
Rev. Henry T. Staats came in April 1863 with his youthful enthusiasm and eloquent persuasiveness. Young blood was infused into the administration. The voluntary method of support was substituted for the legal. The church was remodeled at a cost of $3,650, and since that time the financial problem has ceased to vex. No debt has been allowed to accumulate and peace and prosperity have reigned in Zion. It were superfluous to speak of his labors, however, their memory is fresh and their results abide. And what shall we more say of Leete, of Otis and Hunt. Mr. Leete has gone to his reward, but the others abide and we shall hear from them today.
This is the inheritance into which we have entered. An inheritance built upon an everlasting foundation. The churches' one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord.
May we be worthy sons and daughters and faithful to the trust that is ours.
Our Lord our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come-- Be Thou our guard while life shall last And our eternal home.