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men and women who seek such centers for business purposes, and we have to felicitate such churches on what they have to give, rather than on what they get. It is no doubt harder than most imagine for them to feel that it is more blessed to give than to receive-for they give their choicest and their best-their very heart's blood-nevertheless we felicitate them on having young people of such quality to give to other churches and the world. Go into our cities east and west, and when you have found out where their mayors, and some of their aldermen, and leading lawyers, and most skillful physicians, their most successful business men and the strongest men in their pulpits came from, you will no longer wonder why the farms and churches of the hill-towns of our commonwealth are weakened and depleted. While Orange is sending her sons to Yale and some of them go out into the world far and wide, she is still to be congratulated that so many of them, like Noah's dove, come back to find a shelter from the storms of life under the old roof-tree. That you are able to more than hold your own-that you are increasing in numbers, in strength, and influence, that you hold up a standard of life and religion, based upon the authority of the word of God is a sure sign that you have not entered into the age of moral decrepitive and religious decay. On this the sisterhood of churches felicitates you. You can probably carry on your churchwork with as low a percentage, according to membership, expended upon oysters, cake, and ice cream as many of the larger churches of our Conference. In these days of severe and pinching self-sacrifice our appeals for the support of our churches must be made to the human stomach as the organ of benevolence, and for effectiveness in that direction the sisterhood of this church stands preeminent. Nor does it escape the thoughtful observer that this church of a century and for a century has crowned these hills with a halo all its own. What other place, the size of this, has not