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the mortal remains of the young soldier, Dennis Clark. In the fall of that year a cabinet organ was purchased for the choir. After serving you as a stated supply for fourteen months, you were pleased to extend to me a unanimous call to become your settled pastor, and on the 9th of June, 1864, when the remodeled and beautified church was rededicated, I was installed as your pastor. The Installation sermon was preached by Rev. W. T. Eustis, Jr., of New Haven. Dr. Leonard Bacon, who was Moderator of the Council, gave the Charge to the pastor; Rev. Austin Putnam, the Charge to the people; Rev. Geo. A. Bryan, The Right Hand of Fellowship, and Rev. John S. C. Abbott offered the Installing prayer. Some of you will remember the gladness of that day-the sunshine without and the sunshine within as we entered our beautified house of worship, all the expense of which had been met. And here I want to say that as I review my ministry of nearly fifty years, the Orange church has, in proportion to its means, taken the highest place in its contribution for the support of the Gospel in the community. I can never forget the kind provision you made for me personally when you received me, a young pastor, forty-two years ago and the alacrity and liberality with which you responded to the appeal I made to you to arise and modernize the old meeting house which had become somewhat antiquated and uncomely. Forty-two years ago! Is it possible so many years have fled. What changes they have brought. The great majority of those to whom the young pastor ministered have passed into the life beyond, and these lines will fall for the most part on the ears of their children and children's children. The fathers and mothers in Israel who laid the foundation of your Church were persons of strong faith, high principle and deep devotion. They were thorough believers in the excellency and power of the Gospel of Christ, and gave cheerfully of their substance and labored and prayed that those who should come after them might be enriched with its blessed and divine influence.
With us their names shall live
Through long succeeding years
Enbalmed with all our hearts can give
Our praises and our tears.