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Mr. Charles A. Baldwin, of New Haven.
DEAR FRIENDS :-It is now fifty-six years since I left this dear old town, and yet my mind is stored with the pictures and doings of the people whose names were familiar to me in my boyhood. As I have heard the
addresses today, and the history of this church for the past one hundred years, I have been puzzled with the thought that I must in some way have been a participant in the organization. This could not have been, however, for the use of my pencil has told me that I was not born until thirty-eight years after the church in Orange began to make the glory to which we have been listening. I first saw the light of day in the Jonah Rogers house at the foot of the Green. I have loved the town ever since I can remember, and am glad to be with you today and to revisit the places familiar to my childhood and to rejoice with you in celebrating this anniversary. I recall the names of the men and women who have worshipped in this house, and to whom I am indebted for the kindly Christian influence which they exerted over me during my youthful days. There was good Deacon Beach, who was so regular and persistent in his attendance upon the church services on Sunday that his old horse, even, caught the spirit, and on a Sunday, when the deacon was sick, hearing the ringing of the church bell, jumped the fences and made his way to his accustomed place in the horse-sheds. I wonder if you men of the church today are as regular in your attendance here as these men and women who have passed on were.