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Informal Address,
Reminiscent and Prophetic
Rev. Henry W. Hunt.
ORANGE, CONN., June 30th, 1909.
MR. HUNT spoke, in part, substantially as follows: Mr. Moderator, Members of the Orange Church, and Visiting Friends :
It was my privilege to serve this Church in the ministry of the gospel more than twelve years, a not inconsiderable fraction of the century of church-life-and-work which you celebrate at this season. Previous to my coming, and exclusive of the first pastorate which continued twenty-one years and six months, the average pastorate of this church had been three years, five months and seventeen days, and there had been pastorless intervals aggregating eighteen years and seven months. My own period of service was long enough clearly to mark progress, long enough to see, comparatively speaking, thoughtless youths develop into thoughtful, reliable Christian men, bearing with manly strength and wisdom, courage and grace, the burden and heat of the day. It was long enough clearly to see mature men and women putting on an ampler manhood and womanhood, knowing larger measures of Christian charity, patience, benevolence, and efficiency in the work of the divine kingdom. I was first introduced to this people by my predecessor, the Rev. C. C. Otis, whom I frequently visited and whose pulpit I several times supplied. Thus upon his retirement the way easily opened for me to take up the work which he laid