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The Church of Christ
Orange, Conn.
THE Congregational Church of Orange was organized March 13, 1805. Fifty-four persons-thirty from the First Church, and twenty-four from the Second Church in Milford-on that day entered into solemn covenant with God and with each other, and were publicly recognized as a Church by a council of neighboring ministers and churches.
The Reverend Doctor Trumbull of North Haven preached the sermon from Colossians 111:14. Reverend Noah Williston, Reverend Bezaleel Pinneo, and Reverend Sherman Johnson assisted in the services. For several years the congregation met for worship in a small chapel located near the center of the green. The present Meeting House was commenced June 1810, and dedicated April 17, 1811. Reverend Bezaleel Pinneo, pastor of the First Church of Milford, preached the dedicatory sermon from Chronicles VI:41, 42. The building was remodelled in 1864 at a cost of $3,650, and rededicated June 9, 1864. The present pipe organ was installed in 1886. The Meeting House was again remodeled in 1905 at a cost of about $3,000. The one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the church was observed June thirtieth to July second, 1905. Addresses were made by the pastor, the Reverend Benjamin M. Wright, Rever-