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the morning worship and the communion season, public notice having been given on the previous Lord's Day. This meeting may be adjourned to any date which shall seem convenient to the members.
II. CLERK AND TREASURER. There shall be a Clerk and Treasurer, whose duties shall be those usually belonging to such offices. The Clerk shall be elected to serve until his successor shall be appointed, and the Treasurer shall be elected annually.
III. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Sunday School shall be under the immediate care and supervision of the Church. The officers of the Sunday School shall be chosen annually by the Church. The Clerk and Treasurer of the Sunday School shall each present a written report at the annual meeting of the Church.
IV. STANDING COMMITTEE. There shall be a Standing Committee of the Church consisting of five members ; three of whom shall be elected annually. The two deacons elected by ballot for a term of five years, shall be ex-officio members of this committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to examine candidates for admission to the church, and to propound such as they approve, and to have general oversight and care of all the affairs of the church so far as may properly devolve upon them.
V. MEMBERSHIP. Persons wishing to unite with the Church by profession, and who on examination give credible evidence of Christian character and have stood publicly propounded for admission one week before the communion, shall be received as members by vote of the Church, and by publicly assenting to the Confession and Convenant of the Church.
2. Persons bringing certificates from other Churches are received by vote of the Church and by publicly assenting to the Confession and Covenant of the Church, providing their testimonials have been read in public to the Church one week previous to such action.