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changed the name of the Ecclesiastical Society of North Milford to Orange and also added to their holdings by building a parsonage for the pastor of the Church. At this time, this would have been Anson Smyth.
On August 4, 1844, a post office was established in Orange and Philo N. Curtiss was appointed postmaster; however, the post office did not last too long and was discontinued on July 2, 1845.
A Farming Community
Though a number of factories came to and eventually disappeared from Orange, it was primarily a farming community. Oxen were used on the farms and both Elbee J. Treat, who brought his oxen from the eastern part of the state, and George T. Hine, who brought his animals from Vermont and New York state, dealt in this thriving business for many years.
The growing of garden and field seeds was also of great importance. This business, originating in neighboring Derby, was purchased from a Mr. Hodge by Enoch and Bryan Clark. Everett B. Clark, son of
[picture caption] Top: In a scene reminiscent of yesteryear Orange, cows and horses graze in the fields today behind the Walter Hine farm on Derby Avenue.
Bottom: The Watson S. Woodruff homestead and the S. D. Woodruff & Sons Seed Warehouse, circa 1905, on Old Grassy Hill Road.