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Fred Lutz - active general chairman

Betsy Darby, corresponding secretary; Diana Duarte, recording secretary; Helen Ewen, participation division; Ruth Galwey, publicity division; John Gorman, spectacle ticket division; Bob Hiza, special events division; Gret Mulherin, revenue division; Tony Pegnataro Jr., participation division; Phil Rider, student activities coordinator; Chick Sedgwick, headquarters chairman; Brendon Touhy, spectacle division; Howard Treat, Jr., co-chairman, special days; George Williams, treasurer.


Ed Hunihan - chairman
Book Preparation Committee listed in front flyleaf.

Peter Capobianco, program sales chairman
Donald Gray, Lawrence Glover, Sherman Kramer, John Laviola, Michele Lynch, Robert Pilot, Joseph Rapuano.

Novelties Committee
Donald Priest - chairman
Miriam Peterson - coin committee chairman, Ray Cuzzocreo, Barry Goldblatt, Mitchell Goldblatt, Bob Hiza, Ray Soblewski.

Frank Ciambriello - plate committee chairman, Ann Ciambriello, Kay & Mike Coppola, Susan Priest.

Frank Sayers - peddlers permit chairman, Barbara Altmannsberger, Sal Coppola, Jesus Migyez, Helen Nathan.

Student Committee
Tim Mulherin - chairman
David Batter, Wayne Batter, Neal Hathaway, Gregory B. Mulherin, Melanie Spitzbard.

Celebration Dances Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carbonella - chairmen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Farace
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lender
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henry - ticket chairmen
Mr. David Carbonella, Miss Mary Cuzzocreo, Mr. Raymond Cuzzocreo, Mrs. Matt David, Mr. and Mrs. James Farace, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mantilia, Mrs. Priscilla Margenau, Mr. and Mrs. James McGovern, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNamee, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Petrillo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Winkle III, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeoli.

Concessions Committee
John Abbate - chairman
Armand Albertoli, Joseph Blake, Gene La Bocco, Fred Cimino, William Fers, Don Galligan, Sherman Kramer, Brad Lyons, Anthony Marchitto, James Roche, Josef Weinstein.

Brothers of the Brush Committee
Rev. Howard Nash - chairman
Don Clark, Trevor Davis Jr., Terrance Gilbert, Robert Hemingway, Marvin Lender, Paul Pollaro, Michael Racceo, Bernard Seigel, Charles Sotire, Chris Winkle III.

Mens Hats and Ties Committee
Harold Ives - chairman
Ronald Stone

Kangaroo Court
Martin Batter - chairman
James Butz, Frank Hills, Stelio Salmona, Rudolph Sylvester.

Student Committee
David Carbonella - student committee chairman

Celebration Belles
Carol Treat - chairman
Jean Anastasion - Little Miss Belles chairman
Lynn Bissell, Robin Eichman, Roberta Mattson, Marilyn Peterson, Barbara Pratt, Rose Rapetski, Marna Robear, Carolyn Spencer, Pat Werth, Sue Wilson.

Ladies Sunbonnets and Dresses Committee
Mrs. Richard Mason - chairman
Mr. Robert Denny, Mrs. John Duffy, Miss Patricia Duffy, Mrs. Robert Eichman, Mrs. Thomas Gallagher, Mrs. Bradford Gesler, Miss Christi Le Francois, Miss Bonnie Mason.

Promenade and Caravan Committee
Kathryn Hiza, chairman
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cavrudatz, Mrs. Larry Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. John LaVioola, Mrs. Greg Mulherin, Miss Linda Thompson, Buttons and Bows Square Dance Group, Orange Junior Historical Society.
David Carbonella - student committee chairman

Ticket Committee Sherman Kramer, Chairman

Patrons Ticket Committee
Jerry Spignesi, Chairman