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purpose of purchasing Temperance Tracts for distribution, and also to procure the services of Mr. John B. gough, for an evening lecture, viz Hezekiah Peck,,Charles P. Hine,, Edward L. Clark and Charles A. Clark. $11 were subscribed at the meeting for the last named purpose, and $2 for the former.
Charles A. Clark,, Wm. G. Smith, and Amos H. Alling, were appointed Delegates to the next County meeting in Milford.
Attest. J. Seymour Pardee,
Dec. 26" The Society and a very large Audience assembled in the Cong. Church; Prayer by Rev. Dillon Williams, and an address such as no other man can give was delivered by Mr. John B. Gough of Massachusetts. Collection, $4..23. Voted, To invite Mr. Gough to give another Lecture on a future evening
Attest. J. S. Pardee, Secretary