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Jan. 30" Monthly Meeting in the Church. An able address was delivered by Deac. Geo. F. Smith, of New Haven, & a collection taken amounting to 72 cents. Solicitors were appointed to raise funds to pay Mr. Gough for another Lecture
     Attest. J. Seymour Pardee, Secretary

March 2:. Meeting in the Cong. Church. Opened with Singing. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Williams: after this Mr. Gough delivered another powerful and eloquent Lecture, to a very large Assembly. Collection, $9..10
     Attest. J. Seymour Pardee, Secy

October 16th. The Annual meeting of the Orange Total Abstinence Society convened in the Church. Prayer was offered, and the audience addressed by Rev. Mr. Williams. The officers elected for the coming year