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     Orange T. A. Society,     Cr.


Nov. 28"By cash in the Treasury$00..75
Dec. 25"" cash by subscription for Mr. Gough19..60
" "" cash " Do for Tracts3..71
" 26"" cash by Contribution at Mr. Gough's Lecture4..25
1853. Jan. 30"" cash " Do " Dea. Smith's Lecture..72
Mar. 2d" cash by Subscription for Mr. Gough17..62
" "" cash " Contribution at Mr. Gough's Lecture9..10
Oct 16"     Cash in the Treasury$3..97
Nov. 20"By cash from Contribution at Mr. Lines' Lecture1..86
1854 Jan. 8" cash from Contribution at Mr. Dodd's Lecture1..02
Feb. 19"" cash from Do. at Dea. Smith's Lecture1..10
Mar. 19" cash from Do at Mr. Wolcotts Lec...55
" 21"" cash of J. S. Alling, 3d Dist. Subscription7..10
" "" cash of Enoch Rogers,, 1" Dist. Sub1..92
" 22"" cash of Lewis Bradley..73
" "" cash of Chs A. Clark, 4" Dist. Sub1.25