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Hiawatha,'' the old arrow-maker "made his arrow-heads of chalcedony, flint and jasper, smoothed and sharpened at the edges, hard and polished.''
That exactly describes the varieties which have been found in that locality by the Czenkus family, who live next door to the Cedar Crest Recreation Camp. Some of their specimens have been placed in the Peabody Museum at Yale University. Howard B. Treat has also a remarkable collection, found in the same section. Carleton V. Woodruff has some choice specimens, found in the Turkey Hill section.
The old Indian burying ground in Turkey Hill was abandoned years ago, but at the present time there is a burial place very near the old location. It is the Hebrew Cemetery of Ansonia and Derby.
As has been stated, Alexander Bryan, one of the original Milford ''Planters,'' was probably the first to own any considerable amount of land in the town, hence the name of ''Bryan's Farms." If all of the historians are correct, the holdings of the Bryan family amity were so extensive that no wonder the section was named for them. One authority states, ''John Bryan lived south of the Green, and his son Richard had a store on the east side." According to the records, Samuel Treat married Frances Bryan, daughter of Richard and Mary Pantry Bryan, of Grassy Hill. A house still stands on what was the property of Alexander Bryan, which is thought to be the first house in the town. It stands on the north side of Old Tavern Road, with the land extending to the westerly line of Lambert Road. This house is now occupied by Miss
Virginia Nye Rhodes. Alexander Bryan was one of the Trustees of the first Milford Purchase. At his death. his farm of three hundred acres passed to his son, Richard.
On November 20, 1720, Richard Bryan conveyed to his son Richard "208 acres at High Plains, with dwellings,