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Evidently these conditions were all accepted, and the General Assembly granted the charter. The charter and boundary lines given by the Assembly were as follows:
"At a general Assembly of the state of Connecticut holden at New Haven, in said state on the first Wednesday of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two. Upon the petition of the inhabitants of the Society of North Milford by their agents Ichabod Woodruff and others, and the inhabitants of the society of West Haven, by their agents, Nathan Platt and others, showing the population, situation, extent of territory and amount of Lists etc. praying for reasons set forth at large in said petition; to be incorporated a distinct town; as by petition on file dated April 18, 1821.
''Resolved by this Assembly that all that part of the town of Milford known as North Milford, and that part of New Haven, within the following limits (to wit) beginning at the Sound, and extending through the harbour by the point of the Beach to the mouth of the West River, thence up said river in the center thereof to the bridge on the Derby Turnpike Road. Thence in a straight course westerly to Mixes North line, so called, thence in said Mixes line to Woodbridge line, thence in said Woodbridge line to Derby line, thence southerly on the Housatonic River, Thence in the line of the Society of North Milford to the line that divides the Society of West Haven from the town of Milford, and thence in the said last mentioned line to the Sound; with all the inhabitants residing within the said limits, be and the same is hereby incorporated into a distinct and separate Town by the name of Orange.
''And the inhabitants aforesaid and their successors forever residing within said limits shall have and enjoy all the powers, privileges and immunities enjoyed by other towns in this state, with the right of sending one Representative only to the General Assembly of this State. And said new town shall pay such proportion of all debts, charges and expenses, suits, petitions and claims already