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THE TOWN GETS A NEW NAME due and accrued, commenced or existing against said Town of New Haven, or for which said town may hereafter be rendered liable by force of any claim now existing as (counting upon the List 1821) the amount of the List of the parish of West Haven and shall assume the care of the poor. The first town meeting shall be holden at the Meeting House in the Parish of North Milford, on the second Monday of June, next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and Charles H. Pond, Esq., and in case of his inability to attend, Charles Denison, Esq., shall be Moderator thereof, and shall warn such meeting by posting a warning on the public signpost in said town, and at such other publics place or places as he may think proper, at least six days before said first meeting.
''And all subsequent meetings shall [be] holden at or near the Meeting House in the parish of North Milford.
''And said town of Orange shall have all the powers at said first meeting incident to the other towns in this state, and full right to act accordingly; and the officers elected at such meeting shall hold their offices until others are legally chosen and sworn in their stead."
May 28, 1822. A true copy, examined by Thomas Day.
The first town meeting was held on the second Monday, June, 1822. Charles H. Pond, Esq., high sheriff for the county of New Haven, Moderator.
The following gentlemen were chosen officers:
Town Clerk: Benjamin L. Lambert.
Selectmen: John Bryan, Jr., Thomas Painter, Ichabod A. Woodruff, Aaron Thomas, Jr., Lyman Law.
Treasurer: Nathan Clark.
Constables: Nathan Merwin, Lyman Prindle, Garry Treat, James Reynolds.
Grand Jurors: Nathan Clark, Jonathan Judd, John Hubbard, Nehemiah Kimberly.