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Tythingmen: Garry Treat, Aaron Clark, Jr., Simeon Smith, Bradford Smith, Lyman Prindle, Samuel L. Pardee.
Sealers of Weights & Measures: Jesse Hodge, Filemon Smith.
Pound Keepers: Nathan Platt, Nathan Clark, James Reynolds.
Fence Viewers: Benjamin Clark, Jesse Allen, Jonas F. Merwin, Robert Treat, Jr., Eliakim Kimberly, Aaron Thomas, Jr.
The second town meeting was held October 7, 1822, at 2 o'clock. Thomas Painter, Esq., was chosen Moderator.
The Board of Assessors was then chosen.
They also voted that the official places to put up notices should be at North Milford, Allingtown and Dogburn.
On the second Monday of December, 1822, it was voted ''that the Selectmen have the power of distributing the money at their discretion on the highways."
''Voted that a tax of six cents be laid on the dollar, including one and one-half cents for highways."
''Voted that the inhabitants have the liberty to work out their tax at eight cents an hour."
''Voted that Edmund K. Fowler be a Collector of State and Town tax with the encouragement of twenty dollars, by his giving sufficient security."
A committee had been appointed to select a name for the town. There was a difference of opinion; some wanted it North Milford, others favored Milford Haven, some liked Westford. Finally the committee chose Orange, in commemoration of the benefits received by the Colonists from William, Prince of Orange; particularly in the restoration of their charter privileges, after the tyranny of Sir Edmund Andros.