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The Orange Branch had a unique experience during the latter part of 1943, when one of the large industries in New Haven asked the volunteer workers to help them fill a rush order for a secret blackout garment, to be used by fighter pilots. All of the workers, sworn to secrecy, set to work in the Town Hall, and with daily work-sessions, finished their assignment in six working days, which was just one-third of the time set by the factory representative. The blackout suits were assembled at the factory and immediately flown to England, under the personal supervision of said factory representative. The Branch later received a generous check for their efforts, which was sent directly to National Headquarters for use in foreign war relief.
In September, 1945, Mrs. Stanley B. Wright succeeded Mrs. Poole as Chairman.
On March 21, 1930, a few women who were garden lovers met in the home of Mrs. Oliver E. Nelson and formed the Orange Garden Club. The object of the organization is to create interest in gardens in general, and to promote the idea of village improvement and conservation of the beautiful in nature.
An active troop of Boy Scouts has been maintained for several years, carrying out the principles and program of that most worthy organization. The Cub Scouts take in the younger boys who have not yet reached the age of twelve years but want to get in training for better work when they can be real Scouts. They have had capable leaders who are an inspiration and an incentive for good, serious work.
The Orange Troop of Girl Scouts is also doing fine work under the leadership of Mrs. Frederick Lutz, Mrs.