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The Bethany Parent-Teacher Association will meet at the Bethany Community School at 7:45 P.M. on Monday, December 11. The evening's program will consist of two parts.
Mrs. Edith B. Cushman, Director of the State Hot Lunch Program, will speak on "The Psychological Value of a Good Hot Lunch Program" and will answer questions from the floor during an open discussion afterward.
The second part will be devoted to a talk by Charles A. Abell, Supervisor of the Bethany School, who will discuss "The Curriculum of Elementary School in Preparation for High School."
The Entertainment Committee is looking foward to a large attendance.

Correction and Apology
In the account of the Bethany Town Meeting, in last week's issue, the statement was made: "Messrs. W. B. Robertson and R. F. Burrows expressed their opposition to the proposed ordinance on the grounds that it represented the beginning of zoning regulations."
The second speaker should have been reported as Leonard H. Burrows.
Raymond F. Burrows, who was not even present at the meeting, was understandably surprised to read that he had spoken there. The "proposed ordinance" under discussion was the one offered by Dr. Ella W. Calhoun, Town Health Officer, providing that no human habitation
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Bethany now has ten names on its roster of Boys in Service. The Eight O'Clock Club, under the direction of Mrs. Edgar B. Cartmell and Mrs. Grant J. Durley, has sent Christmas packages to all of them, and "The Amity Star" is planning to give each serviceman a complimentary subscription to the paper. A list of names of those in the armed forces will be printed next week.
The Farm Bureau, which meets on the third Tuesday of each month at the Town Hall, will hold its Christmas party on December 19, at which time a report will be given by those members who have been learning about Christmas cookery at the sessions in New Haven.
On November 19 a son, Christian Arthur, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tickell, Jr., of Fairwood Road.
Sherman P. Woodward and his daughter, Mrs. Dudley F. Sandell, have left for Orange City, Florida, where they will spend the winter. In their absence their house will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Black.
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Full Discussion of Pipeline Invited
To readers of "The Amity Star" --
In both Bethany and Woodbridge there has been a considerable amount of discussion of the possibility that an interstate pipeline for natural gas may be laid through this territory within the next few months.
The members of the Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Department, concerned about the potential hazards which such a pipeline might introduce into the area, have asked us to publish a letter which they have addressed to their fellow townspeople. This letter appears in the right-hand column of this page.
Believing it to be in the public interest that all details of this important question, for and against, be fully aired, we invite the citizens of both Towns to express their views through this paper.
The Editor

"To the Townspeople of Woodbridge:
"At the present time surveys are being made for a high-pressure gas pipeline to go through the center of our town. We of your active Fire Department have studied reports from other communities which already have such pipelines in service, and we wish to bring to your attention the fact that such installations are a potential source of great danger.
"Attached hereto are reprints from newspapers of the past few weeks. We have in our possession many accounts of similar disasters which have taken lives and caused millions of dollars of property damage, in a period of three years or less. Contrary to what you may hear, such accidents are no rarity. Few people realize the dangers of high-
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Admission Policy of School Board
Mrs. Harold E. Brakewood, secretary of the Woodbridge Board of Education, has asked "The Amity Star" to publish, for the benefit of those residents who are unfamiliar with it, the Board's "Policy on Admission," which is as follows:
"Children entering First Grade in the Fall of any year shall be six years old by December 21 of that year, or shall be five years old by December 31 if entering Kindergarten. No exceptions to this policy will be made in the future.
"Children with previous Kindergarten experience in other schools shall be required to repeat Kindergarten year unless they meet the age regulations."

The annual Christmas Sale of the Woodbridge Garden Club was held yesterday afternoon at the Memorial Town Hall. Mrs. Charles H. Costello was General Chairman for the event.
Miss Carol LaBrake of Woodbridge was the winner of a trip to the National 4-H Club Congress held in Chicago last week. Victor in the State 4-H Dress Revue Contest, she was the guest of the Simplicity Pattern Company. Nineteen years old, Miss LaBrake is Junior Leader of the Stubbie Fingers 4-H Club of Woodbridge. During ten years in the 4-H program she has developed skills in canning and freezing, handicrafts, and dressmaking.
American Legion Post No. 120 and Auxiliary Unit No. 120 will have a Turkey Dinner at Legion Hall on Johnson Road on Saturday, December 9, at 6:30 P.M. Mrs. John Dunn and Charles L. Sackett head the committee for this affair.
Several Woodbridge members are planning to attend the American Legion Second District Meeting in Derby on Wednesday, December 13. The meeting is open to all Legionnaires.

Both Towns Working on Defense Plans
The Bethany Civil Defense Committee held a meeting at the Town Hall last Monday evening, with Director William J. Stevens presiding. In addition to the members of the Advisory Committee, there were present representatives of various local organization -- Russell P. Winter of the School Board, William Hoppe of the Athletic Association, Harland J. Tuttle of the Grange, Mrs. Sidney Svirsky of the P.T.A., and Mr. Donald Marsh, Lay Reader of Christ Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Anderson, of the Naugatuck Chapter of the American Red Cross, gave an interesting and instructive talk on Red Cross training methods and community first aid programs.
Registration cards were distributed among those present, and the heads of the various organizations were asked to have their members indicate the branch of Civil Defense in which they would be willing to volunteer their services: Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Fire, First Aid, Transportation, or the Communication Division. These cards will also be distributed among the children in the School, so that parents not otherwise canvassed may have an opportunity to register.
Another meeting will be held in the near future.
In addition to Director Stevens the Advisory Committee includes Orville D. Crocker, Robert H. Halpin, Edward H. Hinman, Paul S. Madsen, Melvin J. Messer, Frank J. Murray, Wallace S. Saxton, Dr. Ned M. Shutkin, and Clifford W. Wilcox.
The Woodbridge Civilian Defense Program, under the general chairmanship of First Selectman Theodore R. Clark, has held an organization meeting and begun preparations for activating a long-range Disaster Plan which this town, unlike many other communities, has had drawn up on paper since before World War II. Some time will naturally be required before the full plan can be made operative. In the meantime, arrangements are bing made for the immediate setting-up of plans for fire, police, and public utility protection. The program's headquarters will be located in the Police Department office at the Town Hall.
Advisory Committee Chairman have been chosen as follows:
Walton Smith -- Fire Protection;
Newton H. Borgerson -- Police Activities;
Robert Lockyer -- Public Works and Rescue;
Mrs. Edgar H. Dowson -- Welfare;
Daniel Snyder -- Wardens;
Dr. Robert Salinger -- Medical Arrangements;
Robert Dunn -- Transportation and Communications;
William J. Cousins -- Legal Advice;
Mrs. Howard Fulton -- Ground Observation Force.
Officer William Howland is in charge of the Auxiliary Police Training Program, which is being coordinated with the regular State program which provides that all Auxiliary Police shall take 80 hours of formal training. Officer Howland and Sergeant Ciarleglio have been
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Granges Hold Annual Elections
Officers of Bethany Grange, P. of H. No. 188, were recently elected as follows: Master, Harland J. Tuttle; Overseer, Mrs. Kenneth B. Becker; Lecturer, Mrs. Edward C. Lee; Steward, Mrs. Clyde J. Hicks; Assistant Steward, Pearl A. Beers; Chaplain, Mrs. Charles C. Booth; Treasurer, Wallace S. Saxton; Secretary, Mrs. George E. Howard; Gatekeeper, Kenneth D. Austin; Ceres, Betsy Carlson; Pomona, Barbara Slater; Flora, Jane Carlson; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. Edward Withington; Pianist, Mrs. Elizabeth Carlson; Member of Executive Committee for 3 years, Miss Bertha R. Nettleton. The Installation of Officers originally scheduled for December 21 has been postponed to a January date to be announced later.
Recently elected officers of Woodbridge Grange No. 108 are: Master, Raymond H. Hobart; Overseer, Alvin Stettbacher; Lecturer, Mrs. Henrietta Egan; Steward, Philip Vetro; Assistant Steward, William Rallis; Chaplain, Ada Gardner; Treasurer, Myra Hobart; Secretary, Dorothy T. Ryan; Gatekeeper, Wallace H. Johnson; Ceres, Josephine Leonard; Pomona, Laura Sperry; Flora, Dorothy Johnson; Lady Assistant Steward, Edith Dahlin; Pianist, Ada Wentworth; Blue Cross Collector, Jennie Thompson; Executive Committee, Roland Dahlin, Sr. The Lecturer, Mrs. Egan, will attend a Lecturers' Conference in Plainville on December 9, at which time programs and the new year book will be planned.