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On August 11th, 1950 the Bethany Public Health Nursing Agency announced the opening of a Nursing Service for the town, and the appointment of Mrs. Marion Woodward Sandell to carry on the service, which she has been doing. Unfortunately Mrs. Sandell will be away from Bethany from December until May.
During her absence Mrs. William Klein of Falls Rd., Bethany will take her place. Mrs. Klein is a graduate of the School of Nursing of the Hospital of St. Francis, Hartford, Conn. and has had many years nursing experience with the U.S. Navy and New Haven Hospital, as well as industrial nursing experience.
The Nurse answers every call, but nursing care will not be continued unless the patient is under medical supervision. She is prepared to:
-- give or show the family how to give nursing care to any member, old or young;
-- help families understand the "how" and "why" of the physician's orders;
-- do minor surgical dressings or treatments, give hypodermic injections and other medication;
-- give care and help in planning for those with long illnesses, including tuberculosis;
-- give help to the mother who wishes to be taught how to give proper care to the new baby;
-- help parents with the little upsets of growing children.
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Miss Aletha Doolittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Doolittle of Litchfield Turnpike, has been heaerd by several local residents on the radio recently. A pupil at the Gateway School in New Haven, Miss Doolittle sang two solos in a Gateway Christmas program which was recorded and rebroadcast last Friday by Station WELI.
She also sings with the choir of Calvary Baptist Church, where she is soloist in the vesper services which are broadcast on Sunday evenings by Station WNHC.
The Young Peoples' Fellowship of The First Church of Christ, Congregational, and Christ Church, Episcopal, presented a Christmas program at the Congregational Church on Christmas Eve. The pastors, Mr. Iverson Graham and Mr. Donald Marsh, conducted a vesper service, and members of the Fellowship gave a series of readings from the Bible, as follows: Gary Fuller, from the 11th Chapter of Isaiah; Joyce Winter, from the 9th Chapter of Isaiah; John Johnson, from the 1st Chapter of Luke; Joan Cox, from the 2nd Chapter of Luke; and Jane Carlson, from the 2nd Chapter of Matthew. Aletha Doolittle sang "O Holy Night," accompanied by a choir, with John J. Whitehead at the organ.
Seaman Apprentice Harry E. Johnson, Jr., spent Sunday at his home on
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Wallace S. Saxton and Ralph R. Downs, First and Second Selectmen, respectively, of the Town of Bethany, have announced the appointment of Edward H. Hinman as Third Selectman, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Charles C. Booth on December 13. The appointment is effective for the balance of the term of the present board, which expires on June 30, 1951.
Edward H. Hinman was born in Bethany on November 22, 1908, the son of Mrs. Carolyn Hitchcock Hinman of Amity
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Home for the Holidays
Among the young people who have returned to their homes from school or college for the holidays are: Eugene Downs, son of Mrs. Stanley Downs, who is at the University of Connecticut; Joan Crooker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Crooker of Carrington Hill Road, also at the University of Connecticut; Malcolm Brinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Brinton of Litchfield Turnpike, who is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania; Cynthia Madsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madsen of Litchfield Turnpike, who is at Skidmore College; John Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray of Sperry Road, and Stuart Madsen, son
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The list of Woodbridge sutdents home from school or college for the holidays includes: Judith Clarke (Smith College); Edward S. Miner (Admiral Farragut Academy); Allyn Miner (Peekskill Military Academy); Judith Ives (Northfield Academy); James Colby, Alan Ives, William Perham (Dartmouth); William Griffith (Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va.); Harald Ingholt, Richard Beach (Yale); Warren Jewett (Brown); Marie Martino (Unive. of Pennsylvania): Rocco Battista, Raymond Landino, Joseph Zeoli (Univ. of Connecticut); Frank Donald Perrotti (Colgate); and Betsy Borgerson (Colby Junior College).

Grange Committees Announced
Harland J. Tuttle, Master of the Bethany Grange, has announced committee appointments for the coming year, as follows (names in italics indicate chairmen):
Home Economics: Clara MacDonald, Marie M. Jehan, Dorothy H. Terrill.
Legislative: Wallace S. Saxton, Stanley H. Downs, George E. Howard.
Insurance: Arthur H. Kinney, James Harrison, Robert Hayden.
Blue Crosso Collector: Dorothy N. Cunningham.
Pomona Dues Collector: Beatrice MacCarroll.
Sunshine: Mary A. Booth, Ada Riley, Marie Surprise, Charles MacWhirter, Howard E. Williams.
Publicity: Bertha H. Kinney.
Tableaux: Grace I. Markham, Catherine E. Todd.
Minstrel: Anna H. L. Brinton, Harry W. Austin, Henry F. Riley.
Raymond H. Hobart, Master of the Woodbridge Grange, has announced committee appointments for the coming year, as follows (names in italics indicate chairmen):
Home Economics: Mrs. Angelina M. Vetro, Beverly Betzner, Betty Sweet.
Insurance: James Melbourne, Ray Sweet, Charles W. Whiting.
Ways and Means: Gillette Vetro, Roland A. Dahlin, Sr., Myra V. Hobart, Florence Osborn, William Osborn.
Sick Visiting: Ada Gardner, Dorothy Johnson, Harry A. Partridge, Mrs. Grace W. Smith, Rev. Francis P. Randall.
Legislative: Paul Chatfield, Carl W. Clark, Robert Dunn.
Tableaux: Bernice L. Dickinson, Edith B. Dickinson, Marlene Dowd, Joyce Howard, Theodore Ryan.
Supper: April -- Katherine B. Hubbell; October -- Ruby Johnson; December -- Helga Dunn.
Dramatic: Josephine Leonard, Edward S. Hinman, Dorothy Johnson, William Rallis, Dorothy T. Ryan, Edward Bowman, Edith Dahlin.

Chief Kenneth W. Howland has announced that Auxiliary Police Training Classes and First Aid Classes will begin on January 2. The full course will include 81 hours of instruction. Seventeen Woodbridge men have already signed up for training, and others are expected to join before the program gets under way.
In times of emergency the Auxiliary Policemen trained in this course will have the full authority of regular members of the police department.
At a recent Special Budget Meeting funds were appropriated to defray the costs of settin gup the Civil Defense Program. Part of this money is now being spent on the installation of a special 3-way radio system, of the "walkie-talkie" variety, which will permit uninterrupted communication between Police Headquarters and patrol cars, from car to car, with the fire apparatus, and with the State Police barracks and cars. It is expected that the new system will be in operation in about three months.
Mrs. Edgar H. Dowson, Welfare Chairman of the Red Cross, has announced that the Woodbridge First Aid Classes will be conducted by Charles A. Sattig, Secretary of the Woodbridge Fire Department. It is hoped that a large number will volunteer to take this very important training.

The Woodbridge Mothers' Club held a very successful Christmas party at the home of Mrs. John S. Rumbold on Monday, Decembe r18.
The group exchanged gifts and sang carols. After the refreshments were served, the mother enjoyed readings by Mrs. Harry Wintsch.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Scalzo of 41 Lucy Street wish to extend congratulations to them on the occasion of their twelfth weddding anniversary.
Mr. Colin Rathgeber has announced that the Badminton group, sponsored by the Woodbridge Recreation Committee, will meet as scheduled Tuesday evenings at the Town Hall. The hours from 7 to 9 are reserved for juniors. Those wishing instruction from Mr. Rathgeber are urged to come eaerly.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fasulo of 45 Lucy Street recently returned from a trip to Europe. The couple left last July to visit friends and relatives in Italy. They report a most enjoyable trip.
All the puipls of the William Warner School held Christmas parties in their class rooms on Dec. 22. The primary children each drew a gift from a grab-bag, and the older children exchanged gifts with their teachers, Miss Humphrey and Miss Bucholz.
The Board of Police Commissioners of the Town of Woodbridge has announced the promotion of William M. Howland from
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