Index     Pages in this issue:  1  2  3  4

Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles     Toys     Radios
898 Whalley Ave.
New Haven, Conn.    Telephone 3-4171

1290 Whalley     Tel. 3-0903
Parkway Sandwich Bar
Sandwiches and Fountain Service
Television     Open 7 A.M. to Midnight

38 Fountain St.     Tel. 3-1690
Heritage Shop
Jewelry by Coco
Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
Krum's Candies Fresh Every Week

Telephone 3-0842
Harriet Mulhern Davies
Marian Mulhern Albrecht
Style Beauty Salon
Permanent Waves - Cold Waves
Hair Styling
22 Fountain St.     New Haven, Conn.

Airport Service Station
Opposite Airport
Special for the Weekend
Bananas and Holiday Fruit
Gas, Oil, Groceries
The place is small, yet we have a large variety of merchandise. Come in and look it over.
Otto Anderson, Prop.

Received Large Shipment of French Wines and Champagne At Very Low Prices
Cozzolino's Package Store, Inc.
Phone 3-0440     845 Whalley St.
Daily Delivery to Woodbridge & Bethany
Buy a Case & Save

Nursing Service
Continued from Page 1
The Hours
Mrs. Klein can be reached by telephone between 8:00 and 9:30 A.M. and will visit mornings except Sundays and Holidays.
-- services in connection with the nursing care of mother and new baby or a sick person are offered at two dollars ($2.00) a visit up to one and a half hours, with an additional fifty cents (50¢) for each half hour or fraction thereof;
-- fees may be paid to Mr. Edward Worthington, Treasurer, or to the Nurse who will issue an Agency receipt. Checks should be made payable to the Bethany Public Health Nursing Agency, Inc.
If you have any questions about the service, call Mrs. H. P. Treffers, President of the Agency, at 3-1497.
Officers   Phone
President -- Mrs. H.P. Treffers 3-1497
Vice-Pres. -- Mrs. C.C. Booth 3-1509
Treasurer -- E. J. Worthington 3-0686
Rec. Sec. -- Mrs. B. P. Ould 3-4580
Cor. Sec. -- Mrs. W.O. Hamister 3-2259

Board of Directors
Mrs. Clyde J. Hicks, Horace F. Isleib, Dr. Morton J. Loeb, Mrs. Barnard P. Ould, Wallace S. Saxton, Mrs. Nicholas J. Spykman, Mrs. Sidney Svirsky, Mrs. Henry P. Treffers, Edward J. Worthington, Mrs. Lauren Arnold, Mrs. Charles C. Booth, Dr. Ella W. Calhoun, Mrs. Gordon V. Carrington, Stanley H. Downs, Miss Elizabeth G. Fox, Kendrick J. Gooch, and Mr. W. O. Hamister.

Continued from Page 1
Road and of the late John E. Hinman, who served the town for many years as Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Judge of Probate, member of the School Board, and in other capacities.
The new Third Selectman attended school in Bethany and at Hillhouse High School in New Haven. For some time he has been engaged as a general contractor in this area.
Active in Local Affairs
He is Trial Justice of the Bethany Town Court, chief of the Bethany Fire Department, and a member of the Civil Defense Advisory Committee. He has also served as Grand Juror, Judge of Probate, and Democratic Registrar of Voters.
Mr. Hinman is married and lives on Falls Road. His wife is Librarian at the Clark Memorial Library, and they are both members of the Library Board.
Halpin Registrar
Robert H. Halpin, proprietor of the Bethany Airport, has been chosen to succeed Mr. Hinman as Democratic Registrar of Voters. This appointment is effective until the next regular election of registrars.

10¢ Per Line
Job Printing of all kinds, large or small orders. Work neatly done at reasonable rates. The Bethany Press -- telephone 3-1682.
A Christmas Bargain
Give some child a dog of his own - Shepherd Collie Puppies
Females $8 - Males $10
Tel. 3-0024 Mrs. Jack Brophy, Dillon road, Woodbridge
For Sale - Hoadley House
One of Bethany's finest old houses - Amity Road, Bethany
Call Mrs. L. B. Fraser 3-2371
Truck for Sale
1 1/2 Ton Dodge Dump Truck - 1931 Excellent Running Condition - Permafreeze. Asking $75
Call Jack Brophy Tel. 3-0024
For Sale
Two Pairs of Boys' Ice Skates
Sizes 4 and 8. $5.00 each, almost new
Telephone 3-1763
For sale: 4-room bungalo[w] in Oxford near lake on lot 100 x 100. Price: $7,000. Walter O. Reil, 3-3027
Wanted: Old letetr press. Address Box A, Amity Star, Bethany, Conn.

Home for Holidays
Continued from Page 2
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madsen, who are both attending the Citadel; Theodore Sizer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sizer of Carrington Road, who is at Yale University; Harriet Calhoun, duaghter of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Calhoun of Carrington Road, who is a junior at Wellesley College; and Robert Calhoun, who is at Yale Divinity School.
Harold sykes and Frank Fasulo, who have been living in Pittsburgh, Pa., are home for the holidays with their families at 45 Lucy Street, Woodbridge.

One Hour Martinizing Is More Than Dry Cleaning
1327 Whalley Ave.

Miss Marion Davidson
Bethany, 3-1809

Baldwin     Greening
by bushels and half-bushels
weekdays at Woodbridge Orchards
Newton Road
Woodbridge     Conn.
McIntosh     Delicious

Headquarters For Most Any Water Trouble
Call Geo. M. Hatch Co.
871 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Tel. 3-3912

Phone 3-0958
Towing Day and Night
Wrecker Service
Sunoco Gas
Gas Oil!
Mondrone's Service Station
24 Hour Towing Service
"As Near As Your Phone"
Night Phone 3-1933
Woodbridge, Conn.

Tel. 5-3076     M. Sudhalter, Prop.
Morrey's Market
Choice Meats
Groceries - Fruits - Vegetables
Frosted Foods - Beer - Soda
We Deliver to Woodbridge and Bethany

The Amity Star
R.F.D. Box Holder
Bethany - Woodbridge

Sec. 34.66. P. L. & R.
U.S. Postage Paid
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902