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The Bethany Baseball Club was first organized as a unit in April of 1934. For a number of years prior to that date, groups of young men practiced and played out-of-town teams on a field which is now part of the Bethany Airport. Not long after the Club was organized, permission was obtained for the use of the present athletic field, at the corner of Amity and Munson Roads. This was then a plot of undeveloped land, and it has taken a tremendous amount of work over the past fifteen years for the members of the Club to bring it to its present fine condition. In 1947 a ten-year lease was negotiated for the use of the field, and many improvements are being made there.
About ten years ago the Club changed its name to The Bethany Athletic Association, and more recently the orgnization has been incorporated under the laws of the State.
The Association's chief purpose is to foster organized athletics of various kinds and to encourage the youth of Bethany to participate in healthful sports. The membership, which is open to any adult male resident who is interested in sports, now exceeds forty. Regular quarterly meetings are held, with the election of officers taking place in January.
Continued on Page 4

Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Kittredge of Plainfield, Vermont, visited at the home of Mrs. Kittredge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Jackson, on Christmas Day. The young couple have been spending the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kittredge of Cheshire and on last thursday were attendants in the wedding of Miss Ann Kittredge to Mr. Clarnce Dean Daugherty. They will return to Vermont this week for the beginning of the winter term at Goddard College, where Mr. Kittredge is a student.
Mrs. Booth Fowler, wife of Sergeant Booth Fowler, and her two sons, Booth and Bryan, arrived last Friday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler of Peck Road. Sergeant Fowler has been stationed in Vienna for the past year. Since the order for evacuation of American families from that area, Mrs. Fowler and the children have returned to America and will leave on Thursday to spend the winter with her parents in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Miss Gay Spykman is home from Westover School for the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Nicholas J. Spykman, of Bethway Road.
Russell Winter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Winter of Litchfield Turnpike, and Russell Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Jackson of Sperry Road, went to Fort Benning to spend the three-day Christmas leave with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson's older son, Pfc. George Jackson.
Continued on Page 3

Winter Sports Now In Full Swing
While other Bethany and Woodbridge residents skated on various ponds in the two towns, this group of younger-generation sports enthusiasts took advantage of the ideal sledding conditions and spent most of New Year's Day coasting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Bunting on Hilldale Road in Bethany. Standing, from left to right, are: Donnie Disbrow, Bill Bunting, Anne Cutter, Charles Bunting, Benjy Vaill, Timmy Vaill, Peter Treffers, Mary Bunting, and Susan Vaill. Seated in front are Jody Vaill and John Bunting.

Notice To All Readers
With this issue "The Amity Star" moves from free circulation to subscription list. To avoid too many errors and to effect the transition with a minimum of confusion, we are dependent on your help.
The present list of subscribers includes:
(1) those who have paid in advance for 3 months, 6 months, or one year;
(2) those whose return postal cards indicated an interest in having the paper;
(3) those ho have asked for the paper by word of mouth, by hand signals, or through intermediaries; and
(4) a few whose names have crept into the files through a variety of channels.
Please notify us --
(1) if you have not received a personally-addressed copy and you wish to subscribe;
(2) if you have received a copy addressed to you but you do not wish to subscribe; or
(3) if we have made any error in your name or address.
Bills for unpaid subscriptions will not be sent out until later in the month. In the meantime, we shall appreciate receiving any payments which will make such billing unnecessary.
The paper will be sent free to all boys in service whose names and addresses are reported to us. So far only a few addresses have come in.
It will be appreciated if you will let us know the names and addresses of former residents who might be interested in renewing local contacts through a subscription. Papers are already being mailed to Vienna, Hawaii, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, and the West Coast.
The Editor

Woodbridge Tree Saved by Bethany
Inter-community cooperation in this area was demonstrated again early in December when, through the efforts of two alert and public-spirited residents of Bethany, a fine Norway spruce tree was saved for the Town of Woodbridge.
The tree stands at the northern end of Lake Dawson, on the Litchfield Turnpike. Having secured permission from the New Haven Water Company to cut the tree and use it for a community Christmas tree on the Green, the New Haven Park Department was engaged in trussing up the branches when the two Bethany citizens discovered what was happening and swung into immediate action. Telephone calls to the Park Department, to the Mayor, to the Water Company, and to several others started a chain of events which, happily, resulted in the sparing of the tree from the woodsman's axe. It is understood that members of the Park Department drove over 300 miles before discovering a proper substitute tree in Edgewood Park. This was removed to the Green, where it brightened the Christmas scene and added to the festive display in the city's center. On Tuesday of this week it was taken down and carted away.
Fearing that the recent battle has gained the tree only temporary safety, a group of citizens has begun circulating a petition addressed to the Water Company and the Park Department, asking that this particular spruce be granted permanet immunity fro axe and saw.
Two of the letters in this week's communications column testify to the fact that interest in saving the tree has been high among young and old alike. Further developments will be reported in future issues of this journal.

Zoning Appeal Board Holds Hearing On Application For Signs
In December the Woodbridge Board of Zoning Appeals held two hearings on the application of Albert D'Andrea for permission to erect certain signs in connection with the motel, drive-in restaurant, and gasoline station which he isbuilding just north of the Wilbur Cross Parkway, between Amity Road and the Litchfield Turnpike.
Permission was requested for the erection of two signs which sould be visible to motorists on the Parkway. As originally planned, each of these signs would have a larger area, and be higher above ground level, than is allowed by Section 16 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Woodbridge. This section reads, in aprt: ". . . . .In any industrial zone such sign, billboard, or other structure shall not exceed 25 square feet in area. . . .Advertisement in an industrial zone, except where the sign, billboard, or other structure is attached to or made a part of a building or buildings, shall be restricted to one sign, and no sign in any zone, unless attached to a building, shall extend more than ten feet above the ground level where erected."
The question is still under consideration, and the Board has not announced what action it plans to take.
Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals are: William E. Finney (Chairman), Philip S. Brown, Arthur O. Samuelson, August Schultz, and Curtiss K. Thompson (Secretary).

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Lamb of Rimmon Road announce the birth of their third child and second daughter on December 28.
Charles Griffith, son of Mrs. Joseph Storiazzi, has been spending the holidays at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. William F. R. Griffith in Washington, D.C.
Marine Pfc. Richard E. Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hudson of Merrit Road, recently won his First Class Rating and the silver badge of Marine Marksman.
The Woodbridge Men's Club will meet Monday evening, January 8, in the basement of the church at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Otto H. Schulz will give an illustrated travelogue. Mr. and Mrs. Schulz recently traveled through the west by plane and train and brought back with them many interesting pictures, including some of our scenic National Parks. Refreshments will be served.
The First Church of Christ, Congregational, in Woodbridge will hold a Holy Communion Service on Sunday, January 7, at 10:30 o'clock.
Corporal Robert C. Nangle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Nangle of Perkins Road, has arrived from Camp Stewart, Georgia, to spend a nine-day furlough at the home of his parents. Thomas Nangle, a student at the University of Virginia Law School, is also at the Nangle home for the holidays.
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