Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4
Miss Marion Davidson
Bethany, 3-1809
We Wish all Frinds & Patrons A Happy New Year
Paul's Department Store
Children's, infants' and ladies' wear
920 Whalley Avenue
Telephone 3-2224
Tel. 3-0842
Harriet Mulhern Davies
Marian Mulhern Albrecht
Style Beauty Salon
Permanent Waves
Cold Waves - Hair Styling
22 Fountain St. New Haven, Conn.
for courteous and dependable service, come to Kenney's Pharmacy
Corner of Whalley & Dayton
Phone 3-2571
Free Delivery
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Baldwin Greening
by bushels and half-bushels
weekdays at Woodbridge Orchards
Newton Road
Woodbridge Conn.
McIntosh Delicious
Headquarters For Most Any Water Trouble
Call Geo. M. Hatch Co.
871 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Tel. 3-3912
Prospect Store
Union City Rd., Prospect
J. Fusco, Prop.
Telephone Orders (call Waterbury 5-0791, collect)
Complete line of fancy foods, meats, and groceries
Delivered in Bethany Every Friday
open sundays, 9:30-12:30
Customers and Friends
Please come to office for your 1951 Calendar
We regreat that we cannot mail
Harry Merwin
Real Estate and Insurance
895 Whalley, Westville
Dial 3-0895
The Clothesline
Marjorie Shutkin Bethany, Conn.
Telephone 3-1171
Cashmere Sweaters
Children's Clothes
sample suits - bluejeans - stockings
open evenings
10¢ Per Line
For Sale -- 1917 Hudson Sedan, good running order (maybe) -- $27.95.
It's a real hill climber.
Whitlock Farm, Bethany
For Sale -- Hoadley House
One of Bethany's finest old houses -- Amity Road, Bethany
Call Mrs. L.B. Fraser 3-2371
Wanted: Old letter press. Address Box A, Amity Star
For Sale: 4-room bungalo[w] in Oxford near lake on lot 100 x 100. Price: $7,000. Walter O. Reil, 3-3027
Dachshund Puppies -- Males & Females. Reds and Black & Tans. Grand Companions and house pets.
Loebridge Farm -- Sperry Road
Bethany -- Tel. 3-1876
Skate Exchange
2 pairs, boys', almost new, sizes 4 & 8. $5 each. Tel. 3-1763
3 pairs, boys', sizes 1, 4, 6. Tel. 3-1384
3 pairs, girls', sizes 3 & 4. Tel. 3-1682
Athletic Association
Continued from Page 1
Following its policy of "Sports for all," the Association was influential in the formation of the Bethany Bowling League. It has equipped a basketball team in the Community School and has encouraged the playing of football and softball at the local field.
Through the generosity of Nelson J. Peck, the Athletic Association was able to lease the Peck Pond area for a term of 25 years at a nominal fee. The Association then furnished the initial funds for the development of this useful and popular community project, which provides for swimming in summer and skating in winter.
For a numbe rof years the Bethany baseball team has been a member of the Pomperaug Valley Baseball League. Scheduled games are played on Sundays throughout the summer at the local diamond. Bethany has won the league title several times.
Every year the Association combines with the Bethany Volunteer Firemen's Association to conduct the annual Fourth of July Carnival, fireworks display, and bonfire.
1290 Whalley Tel. 3-0903
Parkway Sandwich Bar
Sandwiches and Fountain Service
Open 7 A.M. to Midnight
Whitlock Farm
Sperry Road Bethany
Tel. 3-1912
Broad Breasted Poultry
Special This Month
for as long as they last
Broad Breasted Turkeys - Over 24 lbs.
(Whole or Half) 50¢ lb.
886 Whalley Ave. Tel. 3-4857
Rudy's Shoe Service
Hats Cleaned & Blocked
Zipper and Luggage Service
John J. Whitehead
Teacher of Piano, Accordion and Organ
Carrington Rd., Bethany
Tel. 3-1916
Piano Tuning - Repairing
Bond Cleaners and Dyers
914 Whalley Avenue
Repair Work Carefully Done
Three-day Shirt Service
Telephone 3-0475
Westville's Newest Store
Albert's Clothes and Men's Wear
40 Fountain Street
Albert Nasarjian, Prop.
Telephone 3-4969
Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles Toys Radios
898 Whalley Ave. Tel. 3-4171
New Haven, Conn.
Prescriptions 1325 Whalley Ave.
Whalley Pharmacy
Hallmark Cards
Whitman Candy
Drive-in Parking
We deliver Tel. 3-0453
Jesse Richardson will call to arrange a route for Waste and Rubbish Removal Mondays on alternate sides of town
Special Luncheon and Dinners Daily
Steaks Chops
Cape Codder Restaurant
Chicken Sea Food
Sandwiches and Your Favorite Cocktail
Clover Nook Farm
Frozen Fresh Poultry oven-ready
Farm-Fresh Eggs
We deliver
S. P. Woodward, Jr.
Fairwood Rd., Bethany
Tel. 3-2726 or 3-0504
Mondrone's Service Station
Sunoco Gas
Gas Oil!
24 Hour Towing Service
Phone 3-0958
Towing Day and Night
Wrecker Service
"As Near As Your Phone"
Night Phone 3-1933
Woodbridge, Conn.
Bethany Fuel
Range and Fuel Oil
Your Neighborhood Dealer
Serving Bethany and Woodbridge
Telephones: 3-0956
Merritt Russell
Bethany, Connecticut
R.F.D. Box Holder
Bethany - Woodbridge
Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R.
U. S. Postage Paid
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902