Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4
Committee Heads For Civilian Defense Are Announced By Stevens
William J. Stevens, Director of Civilian Defense for Bethany, reports that a meeting of the members of the Advisory Committee was held at the Town Hall on January 3 and that the following assignments to special duties were made:
Frank J. Murray: engineering service and transportation.
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Several weeks ago questionnaire cards concerning Civilian Defense were distributed through the Bethany School, the churches, and local organizations. So far the response to these cards has been very poor. Please mark and return your card now, or call W. J. Stevens at 3-2894.
Taxpayers of the Town of Bethany are reminded that the 2nd installment became due and payable on January 1. Payment may be made at any time during the month, and interest will not be charged before February 1.
The January 3 meeting of the Bethany Bowling League was featured by the high scoring of Pete Becker, whose 175 for a single game helped the Beckers trounce the Grange, 2 games to 1, to remain in command of 1st place in the League. The Bethany Garage held onto 2nd place with a 3-0 win over the Airport, in a match which was featured by a 3-game score of 356 by Bob Downs and a 334 by Bob Claus. In contributing to the 2 to 1 victory of the Drillers over Andersons, Henry Riley chalked up a 348 and Harold Simpson a 333. Willowcrest went down before the onslaughts of the Firemen, who were celebrating "Durley Night" with Grant's 354 and Arlene's 324. Donald Disbrow scored 343 in this 2 to 1 match. To wind up the evening's battles, the Landowners undermined the Church to the tune of 2 games to 1.
A Bethany Basketball Team, playing under the sponsorship of the two churches and coached by Harold V. Simpson, is now meeting for games at the New Haven Y.M.C.A. every Saturday night. On January 6 this team met the Bethesda Lutheran team of New Haven and went down to defeat by a score of 19 to 13 in a tightly-played, exciting contest. In the Bethany lineup were Harold Simpson, Jr., Dicky Johnson, Russell Winter, Russell Jackson, Bobby Raymond, Billy Giblin, Bobby Simpson, and Kenny MacDonald.
Miss Iris Scott, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Herman Scott, of Fairwood Road, has been chosen as the Bethany representative for the "Y-Co-Op", a group of Juniors and Seniors which has been formed in New Haven to encourage hgiht school students to make use of the Y facilities for recreation.
Friends of James W. Thomson, of Falls Road, who returned to his home from the hospital some time ago, will be happy to learn that his convalescence is progressing satisfactorily.
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Enjoying Healthful Winter Air
Amity Star Photo
On Monday of this week the roving photographer of "The Star" discovered this group of Woodbridge children enjoying a mid-afternoon recreation period on the grounds of the Center School. Shown playing under the guidance of Thomas Leary, Athletic Director, they are from the 5th Grade room of Mrs. Ellen Veckarelli.
P.T.A. Hears Panel Of Four Discuss The United Nations
The regular meeting of the Bethany Parent-Teacher Association was held at the Community School on Monday, January 8.
Following the usual business meeting, there was a discussion of the topic "The United Nations and Bethany's Children" by a panel consisting of Mrs. David Black, Mrs. James Howell, Mrs. Nathan Podoloff, and Marshall Abell. A general discussion and question period followed the panel talks.
This meeting proved to be of value to those who feel that the average citizen should know more about the United Nations and its work in fields which do not make the daily headlines.
A penny collection was taken for
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Rev. Mr. Humphrey Speaks to WArner School P.T.A. Tonight
The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association of the William Warner School will be held on Thursday, January 11, at 8:00 P.M. in the new assembly room.
The speaker will be the Reverend Seldon Humphrey, pastor of the Humphrey Street Congregational Church. His subject will be "Collecting and Distributing Pencils."
Chairman of the hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. S. Pisani. She will be assisted by Mrs. R. Zinbardi, Mrs. W. Quinlan, Mrs. D. Tafuta, and Mrs. D. Carasone.
All parents and friends of the Warner School are urged to attend.
Young People's Concert Series Announced
Announcement has recently been made of the New Haven Symphony Orchestra's 19th season of Young People's Concerts, to be given in Woolsey Hall on three Saturday afternoons, February 3 and 17, and March 10.
These concerts, which contribute materially to the musical education of the children of the area, are becoming more popular every year. Busloads of pupils from the various schools help to fill every seat in Woolsey Hall, and many other listeners arrive n private carsof on foot. From the Bethany Community School group alone, between 45 and 50 children attend each year, transported by volunteer drivers recruited from among the parents. Two years ago the Bethany group won a prize given for the largest single school representation.
At the first concert each year, Harry Berman, the conductor, gives an interesting explanation of the use of the various instruments, with illustrative passages from well-known compositions. Promising young musicians are presented as soloists.
The children's appreciation of these concerts is greatly increased if they are given an opportunity to hear in advance, from recordings, some of the selections to be played. For this reason the owners of such recordings are urged to put them at the disposal of the schools or of small groups during the weeks preceding the concerts.
Included among the compositions to be performed this year are: The Nutcracker Suite (Tchaikowsky), Jack and the Beanstalk (Kosakoff), Overture to Hansel and Gretel (Humperdinck), Pee Wee the Piccolo (Kleinsinger), Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn), The Toy Symphony (Haydn), Piano Concerto in C Major (Beethoven), and Violin Concerto in B Minor (Saint-Saens).
The series price for the three concerts is $1.80, tax included. Application blanks will be distributed among the children of the Bethany School under the direction of Mrs. M. H. Brinton, Music Chairman of the P.T.A. Arrangements to be made in the Woodbridge Schools will be announced at a later date.
General H.H. Vreeland To Give Talk Here On Civilian Defense
Brigadier General Herbert H. Vreeland, Jr., Director of Civilian Defense activities for the New Haven area, will speak on defense problems and plans in the Center School Auditorium on Tuesday, January 16, at 8:00 P.M. The meeting is sponsored by the Woodbridge Education Association. A question period will follow Gen. Vreeland's talk.
Woodbridge Post No. 120, American Legion, will conduct a paper drive on Sunday, January 14. Those who have paper to dispose of are asked to have their bundles out, in plain sight, by 10:00 o'clock Sunday morning. The entire town will be covered by the collectors.
Taxpayers of the Town of Woodbridge are reminded that the 2nd installment bacame due and payable on January 1. Payment may be made at any time during the month, and interest will not be charged before February 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Brewer, of Penrhyn Road, left on January 3 by plane for Houston, Texas, from which point they planned to proceed to Mexico.
Miss Maryellen Street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Street of Newton Road, has returned to Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, after spending the holidays at her home.
The Annual Ball of the Woodbridge Volunteer Firemen's Association, Inc., will be beld at the Town Hall on Friday, March 2, with George Beaton and his Orchestra furnishing the music. The Committee in charge of this event is headed by Raymond E. Westlund, Jr., and includes Wayne Bell, Reymond H. Hobart, James Melbourne, Albert Schilf, Charles W. Whiting, and Lenard C. Whiting, Jr.
Miss Arden Clark, a Junior at Skidmore, and Miss Virginia Clark, a Sophomore at Vassar, have returned to college after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Clark, on Race Brook Road.
A delegation from the Woodbridge American Legion Post attended a Second District Legion meeting in Wallingford last evening.
Civilian Defense authorities are seeking additional volunteers for training as Auxiliary Firement. Any male resident of Woodbridge may join. Names should be submitted to Charles A. Sattig (3-2476) or Leonard C. Whiting, Jr. (3-2347).
The Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion will hold a Social Meeting at Legion Hall on Tueaday, January 16, at 8:00 P.M. On Saturday, January 27, they will put on a Ham Supper at the Hall at 6:00 P.M., under the direction of Mrs. John H. Dunn. Tickets will be $1.25.
The high school group of the Woodbridge Club and their guests will be entertained at a party at the Club on Friday evening, January 12. Refreshmetns will be served. The Club is also sponsoring bowling for this group on Satur-
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