Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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ciani; Financial Secretary, Adolph Luciani; Treasurer, Francis Martino; and Secretary, Alexander Luciani. A fine social time, in which the ladies joined, was enjoyed by all. This Club meets on the second Monday of each month.
Mrs. Edgar H. Dowson, general chairman of the Red Cross in Woodbridge, has announced the chairmen for the various departments of the Welfare division. They are: Shelter, Mrs. Herbert L. Emanuelson and Mrs. Edward H. Miner, co-chairmen; Food, Mrs. Walter F. Peck; Clothing, Mrs. Newton H. Borgerson; Registration;, Mrs. Walton Smith and Mrs. Gorge A. Dockham, co-chairman.
Friends and co-workers of Caesar Giori gave him a testimonial dinner at the Red Lobster Inn last Thursday evening. The party was arranged by his uncle, Mr. Andrew Cretella, and included about thirty couples. Attorney William Cousins acted as Toastmaster, and the group enjoyed a fine evning. Mr. Giori left on Monday, January 15, to report for military service.
Anna Troiano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toriano, was taken to St. Raphael's Hospital on Saturday morning for an emergency operation. She is now making a good recovery.
Anna Jean Perrotti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perrotti, is convalescing at her home on Litchfield Turnpike after hospital treatment.
Richard Barone, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Barone of Amity Road, will attend the promenade given by the Notre Dame High School students at the New Haven Lawn Club on Friday evening, January 19. Richard, a graduate of Center School, will have as his guest for the evening Miss Joan DeLucia, the duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore DeLucia of Amity Road. Joan graduated from the William Warner School.
The regular weekly meeting of the Badminton Club will be held on Tuesday evening at the Town Hall. The instruction period will begin promptly at 7:00 P.M., under the direction of Colin Rathgeber.
John Farrar, of the New York publishing house of Farrar, Strauss, and Young, was an overnight guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Nangle on Perkins Road last week.
On January 13 Chief Kenneth Howland, Director of Civil Defense, attended a meeting of New Haven area directors at the Veterans' Administration Building. Problems common to all the towns were discussed, and arrangements were made for an exchange of orgnization charts among the various directors.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Jennette have as their guest this week Mrs. Jennette's sister, Mrs. Lawrence Gaurnier of Ithaca, N.Y.
Mrs. Mary Bria is convalescing at her home on Lucy St. after an accident suffered while driving to North Carolina a short time ago.
Brookside Farm, on Amity Road, owned by Vito Luciani, was honored by a visit from a group of twelve Austrian chidren last week. The youngsters are making a tour of 4-H projects and farms in America and have appeared on radio and television programs. They were escorted by Mr. Brundage and Mr. Brockett of the New Haven County Farm Bureau and enjoyed seeing the Lucianis' prize poultry.
At its recent Annual Meeting, the Tradesmen's National Bank of New Haven elected Charles H. Costello of Woodbridge to its Board of Directors. Mr. Costello is Vice-President and Director of C. Cowles and Company; Vice-President of the Manufacturers Association of New Haven County, Inc.; and Treasurer of the Connecticut Branch of the National Metal Trades Association. In this Town he serves as a member of the Board of Education and of the Board of Tax Review.
On December 19, a son, Frank was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. HIggins of Lexington, Mass. Mrs. HIggins was Drusilla West of Boston before her marriage to Mr. Higgins, who is a former
(Continued on Page 5)
League of Women Voters --
(Continued from Pge 1)
made on school systems by the need for both liberal arts and vocational training in many fields. A substantial building program and increased transportation facilities will, of course, be required to care for the ever-increasing number of children coming into the schools, especially in suburban areas.
Better Training Wanted
However, on the whole the commission feels that the quality of teaching is of primary importance, and that provision for better teacher-training must be made. The central aim of professional educators in Connecticut and of this citizens' group is to coordinate the school program with community living and to increase the community's awareness of its responsibility for the education of all its children as future citizens.
Dept. of Education Assists
Miss Katherine Hoctor, Supervisor of District I under Superintendent Charles Abell, explained the role of State Department of Education Officers in advising and guiding school staffs. Miss Hoctor pointed out that their positions enable such officials to keep different communities in touch with each other and to aid in solving the many problems which they have in common. The superintendents and supervisors have the responsibility of implementing the aims and policies of the State Board of Education and of making available the services of the many different agencies which can be of help to individual schools.
High School Accommodations
Mr. Thomas Richardson, Superintendent of Secondary Education in the New Haven Schools, answered questions from the group about the possible arrangements for accommodating children from outlying districts in Hillhouse and other New Haven high schools during the next decade. Because of increased enrollment, there has been some question as to whether such arrangements could be made. With the realization of the necessity for detailed and long-range planning, professional and lay groups in the area are working to establish courses of instruction which will give a well-rounded education to all children.
Mrs. Sidney Svirsky, Mrs. Malcolm H. Brinton, and Mrs. George D. Vaill, members of the Bethany Board of Education, who were in charge of the meeting, described the present setup in the Community School.
Bethany Notes --
(Continued from Page 2)
tion will be taken during the morning service, for the support of the Theological School. The general chairman is the Reverend Robert K. Thomas of the Yale Divinity School.
The Young People's Meeting will be held in the Clark Memorial Library on Sunday evening, January 21, at 7:00 o'clock.
On Monday, January 22, the Men's Club will meet in the Town Hall at 7:00 P.M. The speaker of the evening will be Officer Edward Dooling, who is stationed at the Bethany Barracks of the State Police Department. Sausages, pancakes, pie, and coffee will be served.
Last Thursday afternoon, the members of the Ladies Aid of the First Church of Christ, Congregational, wrapped boxes of gifts to go to two of the missions supported by the Church, the Delmo Units in Lilbourne, Missouri, and the Indian Mission in Elbowood, North Dakota. The boxes contained gifts brought by the children of the Sunday School and also clothing and linen. The project was carriet out under the direction of Mrs. Charles C. Booth of Peck Road.
Mrs. John Riley of Hopbrook Road reports that she found three yellow pansies growing in her garden one warm day last week.
Mrs. William G. Ringenberg, Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch, Mrs. Herbert Wrozina, Mrs. H. G. Jennings, and Mrs. A. Raymond Johnson have completed a course in Scout Leadership at the New Haven Girl Scout Headquarters, in perpearation for the establishment of a Brownie Troop here. Mrs. Ringenberg has anounced that the meetings will be held each week at the Bethany Community School from 3:45 to 4:45 P.M. Those who wish further information may call Mrs. Lynch at 3-2854.
Athletic Association Acquires Property Deed For Peck Pond
The Annual Meeting of the Bethany Athletic Association, Inc., was held on Monday, January 15, at the Dew Drop Inn on Amity Road.
New Officers
Annual reports of the various officers were read and accepted, after which officers were elected for 1951, as follows:
President - William Hoppe
Vice-Pres. - Joseph H. Holycross, Sr.
Sec. - Kendrick J. Gooch
Treas. - Malcolm H. Brinton
Executive Committee - Harris K. Hoppe, Warren H. Downs, Robert J. Downs
Manager of Baseball Team - Harry E. Johnson
Stevens Speaks
William J. Stevens, Director of Civil Defense for the Town of Bethany, spoke to the group on the subject of defense plans which have already been formulated for the town.
Peck Pond Acquired
The Association then discussed the question of the Peck Pond project, and it was voted to accept the Pond area from Nelson J. Peck and to appropriate the sum of $300.00 to discharge an encumbrance on the property and obtain a clear title to it.
Provisions of Deed
The deed provides that the conveyance is made upon the express condition that the area will continue to be used and developed as a community swimming and skating pond and public park, and upodn the further condition that the area shall bear the name "Peck Pond" or have the word "Peck" in its title or designation.
Refreshments were served after the business meeting, which was well attended.
D'Andrea's Pharmacy
Rexall Drugs
Famous for Prescriptions
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Hallmark Cards --
Fine Cosmetics --
School Supplies --
Magazines --
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Children's -- Classical
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