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Woodbridge Notes --
(Continued from Page 5)
evening, January 22, at 8:00 o'clock, in the Church Social Rooms.
"The Amity Star" regrets having made two errors in the Woodbridge Notes last week and is happy to correct these now. Miss Margaret Ettore is the sister of Pvt. Walter Ettore, and Pvt. James Longo is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Agostino Longo.
Woodbridge Obituaries
Lillian Hall, widow of Shukrey H. Sanjiyan and mother of Mrs. Ernest L. Stone of Woodbridge, died on January 9. Funeral services were held on January 12, at the Hawley-Lincoln Memorial, with burial in Evergreen Cemetary [i.e., Cemetery].
Mrs. Carmela Yuliani Pelosi Muzzi, 55, the wife of Giulio Muzzi, of 28 Lucy Street, died at the New Haven Hospital on January 10. Mrs. Muzzi came to this country thirty years ago from Cerrito Sannita, Italy, and had lived in Woodbridge for twenty years. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Dominic Muzzi of New Haven and Anthony Pelosi of Woodbridge; one daughter, Mrs. John Ferro of Hamden; and two grandchildren. The funeral was held on January 13, with a solemn requiem high mass in the Church of the Assumption, of whose Society of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel she was a member. Burial was in St. Lawrence Cemetery.
Mrs. Lillian E. VanBuren Mercer, of Center Road, died in West Haven on January 12, in her 81st year. She was the mother of Mrs. Ethel L. Arents and Merle L. Mercer. Funeral services were held at Beecher and Bennett's on January 15, with burial in East Side Cemetery.

Baldwin     Greening
by bushels and half-bushels
weekdays at Woodbridge Orchards
Newton Road
Woodbridge     Conn.
McIntosh     Delicious

For Range and Fuel Oil
For free Emergency Burner Service to Bethany & Woodbridge Customers
Bob Jones - Fuel
Bethany's Own Dealer
Serving Woodbridge & Bethany
Business Tel: 3-0908
Residence Tel: 3-3973

Headquarters For Most Any Water Trouble
Geo. M. Hatch Co.
871 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Tel. 3-3912

Prospect Store
Union City Rd., Prospect
J. Fusco, Prop.
Telephone Orders (call Waterbury 5-0791, collect)
Complete line of fancy foods, meats, and groceries
Delivered in Bethany Every Friday
open sundays, 9:30-12:30

The Clothesline
Marjorie Shutkin     Bethany, Conn.
Telephone 3-1171
Cashmere Sweaeters -- IMported Wool

Short Sleeve Slipovers     $10.39
Long Sleeve Slipovers     11.98
Cardigans     13.50
Sizes 34-40

10¢ Per Line
For Sale - Dachshund puppies, males and females, reds and black & tans. Grand companions and house pets.
Loebridge Farm, Sperry Road, Bethany. Telephone 3-1876.
For Sale - 4-room bungalow in Oxford near lake, on lot 100 x 100. Price: $7,000. Walter O. Reil. Telephone 3-3027.
Wanted - Woman for general cleaning and ironing, in Bethany. Address Box B, Amity Star.
Lost - Silver tabby, heavy ruff, tiger markings, very friendly. Call 3-1796.
Wanted - In Woodbridge: experienced, dependable resident housekeeper. Call 6-5144.
For Sale - Hoadley House. One of Bethany's finest old houses; on Amity Road near center. Call Mrs. L. B. Fraser, 3-2371.
Wanted to Rent - 5-room apt. or 6-room house near bus line, greater New Haven area. Call Advertising Manager, Zemel Bros., 5-9904.
For Sale - Duo-Therm oil heater, late model with outlet, good condition, price reasonable. Call G. Harding, Munson Road, Bethany.
Found - Waterbury Savings Bank envelope containing case, left at Editor's house last week. Call 3-1682.
For Sale -- 6-months-old male Collie Shepherd puppy, gentle, friendly disposition, trainable, fine companion for children. Plenty of space desirable. Tel. 3-0566.

Registrars' Notice
Notice is hereby given to the legal Voters of the Town of Bethany that the Registrars of Voters of said Town will be in session at the Town Hall on Friday, January 26, 1951, from 12:00 o'clock noon until 9:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of correcting and perfecting caucus lists and for transferring such names as are legally presented for change.
Dated at Bethany, Conn., this 15th day of January, 1951.
Stanley H. Downs
Robert H. Halpin
Registrars of Voters

Skate Exchange
Boys': 2 pair, almost new, sizes 4 & 8, $5 each. Tel. 3-1763.
Boys': 3 pair, sizes 1, 4, & 6. Tel. 3-1384.
Boys': 1 pair, new, size 7. Tel. 3-0603.
Girls': 2 pair, sizes 3 & 4. Tel. 3-16682.
Wanted: Boy's, size 11. 3-0603.

Whitlock Farm
Sperry Road     Bethany
Tel. 3-1912
Broad Breasted Poultry
Special This Month
for as long as they last
Broad Breasted Turkeys - Over 24 lbs.
(Whole or Half) 50¢ lb.

if you are an Asthma or Sinus Sufferer try a Rexair in your home
Prescribed by many doctors
Miss Marion Davidson
Tel. 3-1809     Bethany

Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles     Toys     Radios
898 Whalley Ave.     Tel. 3-4171
New Haven, Conn.

Bond Cleaners and Dyers
914 Whalley Avenue
Repair Work Carefully Done
Three-day Shirt Service
Telephone 3-0475

Prescriptions     1325 Whalley Ave.
Whalley Pharmacy
Hallmark Cards
Whitman Candy
Drive-in Parking
We deliver     Tel. 3-0453

Call 3-3811 to arrange for Waste and Rubbish Removal
Jesse Richardson

Special Luncheon and Dinners Daily
Steaks     Chops
Cape Codder Restaurant
Chicken     Sea Food
Sandwiches and Your Favorite Cocktail

Clover Nook Farm
Frozen Fresh Poultry
Farm-Fresh Eggs
We deliver
S. P. Woodward, Jr.
Fairwood Rd., Bethany
Tel. 3-2726 or 3-0504

Telephone 8-1208     Free Delivery
College Liquor Shop
"See Mort for Your Snort"
1042 Chapel Street
Mort Rappaport     New Haven, Conn.

Central Hardware Company
New Haven 15, Conn.
Planet Jr. Farm Equipment
Planet Jr. Tractors
Hardware - Houseware - Tools
Aluminum Ware
BPS Paints
Garden Supplies
Table Appliances
Mall Portable Power Tools
Shopmaster Power Tools
1402 Whalley Ave.
Telephone 3-4457
556 Ferry Street
Telephone SP-68142

Mondrone's Service Station
Sunoco Gas
Gas Oil!
24 Hour Towing Service
Phone 3-0958
Towing Day and Night
Wrecker Service
"As Near As Your Phone"
Night Phone 3-1933
Woodbridge, Conn.

Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R.
U. S. Postage Paid
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902