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Woodbridge Notes --
(Continued from Page 3)
plans for the spring flower show to be held in the Arena in April. A great many Garden Club members in the New Haven area attended the meeting. Woodbridge was also represented by Mr. Curtiss Thompson of Round Hill Road.
There will be a meeting of the Woodbridge Parent-Teacher Association of Center School, Woodbridge, on Thursday, February 1, at 8:00 P.M. in the Auditorium.
The speaker, Carroll Alton-Means, will talk on collecting valentines and will exhibit his rare collection of antique valentines. Mr. Means is known not only for his splendid collection but is also an authority on local history and collectors' items. This promises to be a most interesting meeting for both mothers and fathers. Mrs. Lionel Sutfin is chairman of the meeting.
Woodbridge Post No. 120, American Legion, will hold its regular meeting at Legion Hall on Johnson Road on Thursday, February 1, with refreshments following the business session. Post No. 120 is the first in the Second District to reach its 1951 membership quota.
Maurice W. Powell, whose term as a member of the Woodbridge Recreation Committee expired this month, has been reappointed for a five-year term by the Selectmen. Mrs. Arthur W. Kemp has been appointed Secretary, to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. William Stoddard, who has found it necessary to resign. The Committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month, at the Town Hall. The chairman of the Committee is Mr. Francis P. Martino, 2d, of Merritt Avenue, who recently succeeded Mr. Daniel E. Jennette of Johnson Road.
Readers who have boys in service are again urged to send us their addresses, so that we may mail them the paper free of charge, and thus keep them informed about activities at home.

Bethany Notes --
(Continued from Page 5)
on Amity Road. The program will be in charge of Mr. Donald H. Marsh.
Nelson J. Peck has been seriouisly ill at his home on Peck Road for the past few weeks.
Theological Education Sunday, which is observed to collect money to help those studying for the ministry of the Episcopal Church, will be held on January 28 at Christ Church, Bethany. About ten Berkeley Divinity School students will take part in the service. The General Chairman for the Schoool is the Rev. Robert K. Thomas, Rector of All Saints Church, Bayside, N.Y., who was formerly a Lay Reader at Christ Church, Bethany.
On Saturday afaternoon a brithday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mannel of Beacon Road to celebrate the brithday of Master Ernest Mannel. Those present were: Gary Simpson, Judy and Bobby Reil, Donna and Judy Bristol, Bobby, Jean and Nancy Schlitter, Jerry Deugaw, adn Stanley Anderson.
Mrs. James Thompson of Falls Road has had as her guest her sister, Mrs. Homer Hill of Flemington, N.J. Mrs. Hill arrived for a surprise visit on January 6, her birthday.
At the home of Mrs. Arthur Simpson of Beacon Road a stork shower was held recently for Mrs. Earl Moran, Mrs. Simpson's sister-in-law. There were about 20 guiest present from surrounding towns.
Carol Johnson and Jane Carlson attended the reunion in New Milford of the Canaan Conferences group held at Canaan each summer.
Mrs. Edwin Bradley, a former resident of Sperry Road, Bethany, is still in New Haven Hospital with a broken hip which resulted from the storm two months ago. She will soon be discharged from the hospital.

Real Estate
Marvin H. Yudkin
257 Church Street - New Haven 10, Connecticut
Fire, Casualty & Marine Insurance     Telephone 5-7209

The Clothesline
Marjorie Shutkin     Bethany, Conn.
Telephone 3-1171
Cashmere Sweaters - Imported Wool
Short Sleeve Slipovers $10.39
Long Sleeve Slipovers 11.98
Cardigans 13.50
Sizes 34-40

Homemade Near Your Own Fireside
Farm River Fudge
A pure, delicious chocolate fudge and fresh. In 1 lb. boxes, $1.40 each, postpaid to any point in continental U.S.
Jean C. Gibbons
Farm River Homestead     Northford, Conn.

10¢ Per Line
For Sale - Dachshund puppies, males and females, reds and black & tans. Grand companions and house pets.
Loebridge Farm, Sperry Road, Bethany. Telephone 3-1876.
For Sale - 4-room bungalow in Oxford near lake, on lot 100 x 100. Price: $7,000. Walter O. Reil. Telephone 3-3027.
Wanted - In Woodbridge: experienced, dependable resident housekeeper. Call 6-5144.
For Sale - Hoadley House. One of Bethany's finest old houses; on Amity Road near center.
Wanted to Rent -- 5-room apt. or 6-room house near bus line, greater New Haven area. Call Advertising Manager, Zemel Bros., 5-9904.
For Sale -- Duo-Therm oil heater, late model with outlet, good condition, price reasonable. Call G. Harding, Munson Road, Bethany.
Found -- Waterbury Savings Bank envelope containing cash, left at Editor's house last week. Call 3-1682.
For sale -- 6-months-ol male Collie Shepherd puppy, gentle, friendly disposition, trainable, fine companion for children. Plenty of space desirable. Tel. 3-0566.
For Sale -- 1939 Studebaker four door sedan, radio & heater, good running condition. Price $300 Tel. 3-2428
Wanted to Buy -- Beagle puppy, not too large. Address Box C Amity Star
While They Last! A few old metalframe school desks. For Sale $1.00 buys a potential telephone table! Call 3-2137 or "The Amity Star".
Wanted to Buy -- Publications pertaining to Antique Automobiles, Old Advertisements, Instruction Manuals, Pictures, etc.
Robert H. Brinton -- Tel. 3-1574

Skate Exchange
Boys': 2 pair, almost new, sizes 4 & 8. $5 each. Tel. 3-1763.
Boys': 3 pair, sizes 1, 4, & 6. Tel. 3-1384.
Boys': 1 pair, new, size 7. Tel. 3-0603.
Boys': 1 pair, size 5
Girls': 2 pair, sizes 3 & 4. Tel. 3-1682.
Wanted: Boy's, size 11. 3-0603.

Bethany Notes
Mrs. David Black, of Litchfield Turnpike, is planning to start a class in Choral Singing, Eurythmics, and Elementary Dance Instruction at her home on Monday, February 5. The group will include girls and boys from seven to ten years old and will meet regularly at the Black home on Mondays at 4:00 P.M. Anyone who wishes further information about the class may call Mrs. Black at 3-5488 or Mrs. Theodore Wolfe at 3-3563.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brodie will leave Bethany on Sunday to take up residence in Washington D.C., where Mr. Brodie wil be associated with the Research and Development Corporation.

Registrars' Notice
Notice is hereby given to the legal Voters of the Town of Bethany that the Registrars of Voters of said Town will be in session at the Town Hall on Friday, January 26, 1951, from 12:00 o'clock noon until 9:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of correcting and perfecting caucus lists and for trnsmferring such names as are legally presented for change.
Dated at Bethany, Conn., this 15th day of January, 1951.
Stanley H. Downs
Robert H. Halpin
Registrars of Voters
Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Tax Review of the Town of Bethany will be in session at the Bethany Town Hall on the following dates to hear all appeals from the 1950 Assessment list made by the Bethany Tax Assessors:
Sat., February 3, 1951 -- 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Mon., February 12, 1951 -- 7 P.M. to 10 P.M.
Sat., February 17, 1951 -- 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Tues., February 20, 1951 -- 7 P.M. to 10 P.M.
Hiram D. Carrington
Russell P. Winter
George E. Howard, Chairman

Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles - Toys - Radios
898 Whalley Ave.     Tel. 3-4171
New Haven, Conn.

Bond Cleaners and Dyers
914 Whalley Avenue
Repair Work Carefully Done
Three-day Shirt Service
Telephone 3-0475

Bethany Notes
Mrs. Victor Clarke, Chairman of Volunteers for the Hot Lunch Program at the school, has announced the schedule and list of helpers for the rest of the school year. Each volunteer assists the staff in the kitchen one day every three weeks. The list is as follows: Mrs. Raymond Black, Mrs. Horace Isleib, Mrs. Edward Kusterer, Mrs. Malcolm Brinton, Mrs. Russell Winter, Mrs. Edgar Cartmell, Mrs. Kenneth LIttlefield, Mrs. Stanley Downs, Mrs. David Black, Mrs. Henry Treffers, Mrs. Thomas Lynch, Mrs. Donald McKinlay, Mrs. Victor Clarke, Mrs. George Vaill, and Mrs. George MacKenzie.

One Hour Martinizing Is More Than Dry Cleaning
1327 Whalley Ave.

Prescriptions     1325 Whalley Ave.
Whalley Pharmacy
Hallmark Cards
Whitman Candy
Drive-in Parking
We deliver     Tel. 3-0453

Call 3-3811 to arrange for Waste and Rubbish Removal
Jesse Richardson

Special Luncheon and Dinners Daily
Steaks     Chops
Cape Codder Restaurant
Chicken     Sea Food
Sandwiches and Your Favorite Cocktail

Clover Nook Farm
Frozen Fresh Poultry oven-ready
Farm-Fresh Eggs
We deliver
S. P. Woodwawrd, Jr.
Fairwood Rd., Bethany
Tel. 3-2726 or 3-0504

Mondrone's Service Station
Sunoco Gas
Gas Oil!
24 Hour Towing Service
Phone 3-0958
Towing Day and Night
Wrecker Service
"As Near As Your Phone"
Night Phone 3-1933
Woodbridge, Conn.

Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R.
U. S. Postage Paid
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902