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Art 4 There shall be an anual [i.e., annual] meeting of the Society for the choice of officers and transaction of any other business of the Society on the 2d or 4th Sabbath coming in October of each year as the commite [i.e., committee] shall direct
Art 5 Should any member wish to withdraw from the Society it shall be his or her duty to make known such reqest [i.e., request] to the secratary [i.e., secretary] whose duty it shall be to erase their name
Art 6 Should any person violate the pledge of this Society it shall be the duty of the commitee to labour with him or her and if possible to induce them to sign again if effort shall fail the committee shall order the name to be erased
Art 7 This Constitution may be amended by a vote of two thirds of the members prsant [i.e., present] at any regular meeting of the Society