Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4
The regular monthly meeting of the Bethany P.T.A. was held at the Community School last Monday evening. After the business meeting Mrs. Edith M. Cushman, director of the State Lunch Program was presented. Mrs. Cushman spoke on "The Psychological Value of a Good Hot Lunch Program." She said that Bethany's arrangements are excellent. Mrs. Kay Bubbell and Mrs. Nina Johnson, the professional staff, the advisory committee and the many volunteer helpers are to be congratulated.
The Hot Lunch projects in the state of Conn. make up a $3,000,000 program. Of this, $2,250,000 come from fees paid by the children; $500,000 comes from Federal funds; and the remainder from gifts of surplus commodities. Present figures show that 90% of the school children in the staet subscribe to the program and in Bethany over 90% participate.
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BVFA Considers Pipeline Dangers
The Bethany Volunteer Firemen's Association is investigating the possible dangers and explosion risk connected with the gas pipeline which proposes to go through the town, according to word received from offices of the Association. They point out that landowners may wish to avoid signing contracts for right of way until more information is available.
Anyone interested may contact BVFA Secretary Gilbert Whitlock or Chief Edward Hinman for further information.
The senior girls' Four Leaf Clover Club, which meets every second and fourth Thursday each month, met at the house of Miss Judy Svirsky of Old Amity Road on December 14. Mrs. Lena Fenwick acted as leader. The newly elected officers are as follows: President, Judy svirsky; Vice-President, June Harrison; Secretary, Kathryn Cartmell; Treasurer, Joan Cox. Of the many 4-H homemaking projects, the group has elected to work on cooking, sewing and crafts; and meetings will be hald at the homes of Club members afater school hours.
Mrs. Elsie Rowe Johnson, of Cheshire, daughter of Mrs. Eva Rowe, and Mr. Ralph R. Downs, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Downs of Bethany, were married on Friday, December 8, in the parsonage of the First Methodist Church, Waterbury. After a brief honeymoon in New York, the couple will reside on Downs Road, where they are building a new home.
Mrs. Edgar Cartmell has recovered from an attack of virus pneumonia which confined her to her home last week.
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A Note Of Appreciation
To the readers of "The Amity Star" --
Like the friends and neighbors who gather together to build a barn or harvest a crop for a sick farmer, so have the people of Bethany and Woodbridge rallied around to help get "The Amity Star" out this week.
When the editor was suddenly removed to the hospital last week for an emergency operation, this issue was barely beyond the planning stage. It looked as though Vol. I No. 3 would have to be postponed. Such was not the case, however. As soon as the word went out that the editor had become indisposed and his wife had undertaken to get out the issue, the paper's friends and well-wishers came foraward in great numbers -- reporters, neighbors, strangers, printers, and others -- determined to see the job through to completion. No demonstration of kindness and support has ever cheered a sick editor more.
To single out all the volunteers and publish their names would be impossible. This expression of gratitude, therefore, will have to serve as a general message of appreciation and sincere thanks to all of them.
The Editor
Friends Mourn Death of Charles C. Booth, Selectman
Friends may call at the Beecher and Bennett Funeral Home. The Funeral services will be held at the Congregational Church in Bethany on Saturday, December 16th at 2:00 P.M. Mrs. Booth has asked that no flowers be sent. Friends who wish to, may send a contribution to the newly founded Bethany Nursing Association for a Charles C. Booth Memorial Fund.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Booth of Peck Road, Bethany, were deeply shocked by Mr. Booth's death on Thursday [pencil correction: Wednesday?] afternoon at the New Haven hopsital. The deceased was stricken with a heart attack at his home a week ago and was taken to the hospital next day.
A resident of Bethany for over forty years, Charles Booth was bron in Waterbury, Connecticut on September 28, 1896 [corrected in pencil to 1869], the son of Elizabeth Roberts and Canfield B. Booth, formerly of Roxbury, Connecticut. As a youth he worked on a farm and did some trucking for the Platt Mills in Waterbury. In 1907 he and his wife, the former Mary Culver Stillson,
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Both Towns Send Men to Service
The following is a partial list of local servicemen. "The Amity Star" is anxious to know of additions to this roll of honor, and invites news of the whereabouts and activities of all servicemen from the area.
Pvt. Roy C. Bergstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom.
Sgt. Frank Buehler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buehler.
Pvt. William Dodge, son of Mrs. Dodge.
Sgt. Booth Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler.
Corp. John Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison.
Pvt. Robert Hickey, ward of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peck.
P.F.C. George Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Jackson.
Sgt. Harry Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson.
P.F.C. Robert Lewis, brother of Mrs. Herman Scott.
P.F.C. D. Howard Lineweber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lineweber.
Sgt. Victor Raymond, and his sons, P.F. C. Victor Raymond, Jr, Pvt. Gerald Raymond.
Corp. Sidney Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell
Ensign W. H. Shaw, Jr., U.S.C.G.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shaw.
Pvt. Donald O. Schulz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schulz.
Pvt. Anthony Esparo, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Esparo.
Pvt. Frank Esparo, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Esparo.
Pvt. Richard Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hudson.
Corp. Carmen Iannuzzi, son of Mr. Louis Iannuzzi.
P.F.C. Richard Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson.
Pvt. John Larusso, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Larusso.
Pvt. Paul Melotto, son of Mr. Michael Melotto.
Pvt. Raymond Perrotti, son of Mrs. Josephine Perrotti.
Pvt. John E. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Robinson.
S/Sgt. Dominick B. Coleltti, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Larusso and husband of Mrs. Julia Colletti.
Pvt. Anthony de Vito, son of Mr. James de Vito.
Pvt. James Longo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Longo.
Pvot. Louis Pascarelli Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pascarelli.
The Electors and Citizens of the town of Woodbridge, Conn. qualified to vote in town meeting of the town are hereby notified and warned that the Special Town Meeting and the Special Budget Meeting of said town, will be held in the Memorial Town Hall in said town on Monday, December 18, 1950 at 8:00 P.M. to consider and take action on the following purposes, to wit:
1. two petitions having been presented to the Board of Selectmen relative to the proposed construction of a natural gas pipeline through the town of Woodbridge, asking for the consideration of all problems relating thereto and the enactment of any necessary ordinances for the protection of the persons and property of the reisdents and property owners of the town;
2. and to act on any other .. matter proper to come before the meeting.
1. to appropriate a sum of money for Civil Defense. (This sum of money to be
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Catholic Women Christmas Paraty
A Family Christmas Party, given by the Catholic Women of Woodbridge, was held on Sunday, Dec. 10th in the Memorial Town Hall from 3 to 5:30 o'clock. A solo was presented by Mrs. George Bussman Jr. accompanied by Miss Claire Bauer as pianist. Mrs. Daniel Jennette directed the carol sing. Movies for the children were shown by Mr. R. F. Ostrander. Alan Haesche, Tommy Haesche and Fran Costanza presented a Puppet Show and a pantomime was given by
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The Woodbridge Fire Department received an emergency call at 4:15 A.M. on Friday, December 9 for a fire at the home of E. J. Reither on Litchfield Turnpike. Mr. Reither gave the call. The men of the Fire Department thoroughly investigated the premises for sources of the smoke and stayed at the house until after 10 o'clock in the morning. Their prompt action prevented fire from breaking out into the open.
The American Legion Post 120, Woodbridge, will hold its regular meeting at the Legion Hall at 8:30 P.M. on Monday, Dec. 18th. Commander Robert Dunn cordially invites all veterans of Woodbridge and Bethany to attend.
A most enjoyable dinner was given the Legion members at the Legion Hall on Saturday last by the Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Jean Dunn, Chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary, and Mrs. Charles Sackett report that part of the success was due to the newly-purchased 10-burner gas stove used for the first time that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baldwin of Racebrook Road and Mr. and Mrs. N.H.
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