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During the last few years, enthusiasm for bowling has greatly increased in Bethany. There are now fifty-one members in the ten teams. They bowl every Wednesday evening at the Broadway Alleys in New Haven and competition is keen. At the end of the season, an award is given the team with the highest standing and also to the person having the highest individual score.
  Won Lost
Beckers 25 11
Garage 24 12
Drillers 24 12
Firemen 18 18
Andersons 18 18
Willowcrest 18 18
Landowners 15 21
Church 15 21
Grange 12 24
Airport 10 26

Individual Standing as of Dec. 6, 1950
Peg Hicks 84.13
J. Kosnoff 93.19
L. Clock 95.14
B. Kosnoff 105.26
B. Evers 107.14
J. Kendall 89.19
E. Becker 98.27
R. Johnson 94.23
E. Withington 09.3
F. Becker 112.8
GARAGE (Bethany
B. Wooster 88.11
P. Hope 95.2
B. Downs 110.9
K. Gooch 99.1
T. Lynch 100.9
L. Dons 83.19
C. Short 95.10
E. Bunton 104.3
R. Downs 100.13
J. Kosnoff 104.25
M. Woodward 96.18
A. Bunton 103.26
B. Scott 93.15
H. Riley 100.15
E. Downs 101.24
H. Simpson 117.32
Minnie Downs 86.4
Elsie Peck 90.23
B. Withington 89.7
N. Peck 102.26
W. Downs 114.8
A. Durley 97.7
E. Dupree 96.24
D. Disbrow 102.2
G. Durley 99.27
R. Short 99.21
S. Todd 91.9
M. Clarke 93.5
R. Winters 96.6
H. Tuttle 106.10
M. Strong 109.11
Hoppe 93.10
R. Atwood 90.32
J. Field 95.21
H. Atwood 102.31
B. Hooppe 105.9
H. Sandora 100.11
E. Simpson 87.8
B. Halpin 91.11
D. Johnson 97.4
C. Hicks 99.22

The Beavers 4H Club met at the home of the leader, Harland Tuttle, on Dec. 12th. The evening was spent making Christmas wreaths. This club meets on the second Tuesday of each month and will meet on January 9, at the home of Captain Laborde on Bethmore Road.
The Ladies Guild of Christ Church has presented a candle extinguisher and a processional cross to the church.
The children of Christ Church gave a Christmas Pageant on Sunday, Dec. 17th. Gifts were exchanged and also sent home to absent members.
On Saturday evening, Dec. 16th, Christ Church Basketball team beat
Continued on Page 2

To You All - from

County Grange Elects Officers
At the recent meeting of New Haven County Pomona Grange No. 5 P. of H. the following officers were elected:
Master: Ralph Dighello, Wallingford
Overseer: Peter Damon, Foxon
Lecturer: Mrs. Myrtle Fuller, Hamden
Steward: Roger LeMontangue, Guilford
Asst. Steward: J.P. McCarroll, Bethany
Pianist: Mrs. Beatrice McCarroll, Bethany
Executive Committee for 3 years: Kenneth Hale, Cheshire
Treasurer: Charles O. Bartlett, New Haven
Secretary: Mrs. Mary Leonard, Wallingford
Gatekeeper: John Warner, Hamden
Cerese: Emily Platt, Indian River
Pomona: Mrs. Dorothy Ryan, Woodbridge
Flora: Mrs. Dorothy Daddio, Seymour
Chaplain: Florence Bunnell, Branford
Lady Assistant Steward: Mrs. Catherine Lemontangue, Guilford

Ordinance Passed By Woodbridge
For the purpose of providing protection from fire and explosion of the lives and persons of permanent residents and transients in the Town of Woodbridge, for the protection from fire and explosion of the schools, residential dwellings, Town Hall, Library, Firehouse, churches, clubs, houses, and other buildings of public assembly in said town, and for the promotion of the health, safety and general welfare of the community, be it enacted by the Town of Woodbridge, this 18th day of December, A.D. 1950, in duly warned special town meeting assembled, as follows:
Sec. 1. No person, firm or corporation shall construct, lay, install or operate a high pressure pipe line for the transmission or distribution of natural or artificial gas and any other inflammable substance through or within the Town of Woodbgridge within a distance of one hundred (100) feet of any residential dwelling.
Sec. 2. No person, firm or corporation shall construct, lay, install or operate a high pressure pipe line for the transmission or distribution of natural or artificial gas and any other inflammable substance through or within the Town of Woodbridge within a distance of one thousand (1000) feet of any school, town hall, library, firehouse, church, club house or other building of public assembly.
Sec. 3. No person, firm or corporation shall construct, install or operate a compressor or booster station within the Town of Woodbridge for the purpose of maintaining or increasing the pressure of gas and any other inflammable substance being transmitted through pipe lines within a distance of one thousand (1000) feet of any school, residential dwelling, town hall, library, firehouse, church, club house or other building of public assembly.
Sec. 4. No person, firm or corporation shall clear or excavate any land in the Town of Woodbridge for the purpose of constructing, laying or installing any high pressure pipe line, for the transmission or distribution of natural or artificial gas, and any other inflammable substance, nor for the purpose of constructiong, installing or operating a compressor or booster station for the purpose of creating, increasing or maintaining natural or artificial gas and any other inflammable substance in such pipe lines at high pressure, without first iobtaining a certificate of approval from the Zoning Enforcement Officer, certifying that such proposed pipe line is not being laid in violation of the provisions of Section 1, 2, or 3 hereof.
Sec. 5. Penalties. Every person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100 for each violation; and each day of the continuance of said violation shall constitute a separte and distinct offense, for each of which offenses, said person, firm or corporation shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.
Sec. 6. Constitutionality. In case any portion of this ordinance shall at any time be found to be unconstitutional, such finding shall not affect the remainder thereof, but as to such remainder this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect until amended or repealed.

The Bethany Nursing Association has announced the appointment of Mrs. William Klein of Falls Road as Nurse. She has no telephone as yet. Please call Mrs. H. P. Treffers at 3-1497 for information.

On Monday evening at 8:12 P.M., a Special Town Meeting was called to order by Town Clerk Newton H. Street in the Woodbridge Town Hall. James W. Cooper was elected charman of the meeting. The call was read by Mrs. N.H. Street, Ass't Town Clerk who also read the two petitions presented to the meeting. The chairman assured the assembly that everyone who desired to speak at the meeting would be heard. Mr. H.E. Emanuelson was recognized and explained the pipe line question in some detail. He said that a meeting for preliminary discussion of the question had been held at 3:00 P.M. at his house. Those present were representatives of verious department of the town, which included: Theodore R. Clark, Herbert Emanuelson, Albert O. Greene, Chester C. Hitchcock, Curtiss L'Hommedieu, Kenneth W. Howland, Gilbert Martin, W.L. McAvinney, Edward Minor, and Newton H. Street and three representatives of the Northeastern Gas Transmission Co.: Chief Engineer Miller, General Contractor and Agent Sulliver, and Chief Engineer Gregory.
After a full discussion, an ordinance, the verbatim text of which appears on this page, was moved by Mr. Emanuelson and passed unanimously.
Mr. C.I. Stoddard made the following motion, which was also passed.
Whereas: A corporation by virtue of the provisions of Public Act No. 3 of a session of the Connecticut Legislature held March 1950 or by some other act, now proposes to construct, operate, maintain through land or highways owned or used by the town of Woodbridge, a natural gas pipe line.
Voted: A committee consisting of the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Finance, the Fire Chief and Chief of Police of the Town of Woodbridge, is hereby appointed with power and duty to consider any and all questions arising from or connected with the construction, location or operation of any such n atural gas pipe line within the town of Woodbridge. And also said committee shall have power to make agreement as to location and the construction of any
Continued on Page 4

Mrs. William Howland and her assistant Mr. Perry Curtis conducted a Christmas party for the Cub Scouts at the Warner school assembly room on Wednesday, Dec. 13th. Richard Crissey won a prize of a Cub Scout uniform for showing the most improvement during the year. This prize is awarded by Mrs. Morris Tyler.
The Woodbridge Grange held its Installation dinner on Wednesday, Dec. 13th. Mr. Raymond Hobart, Master, presided and Mrs. Kate Hubbell was in charge of the dinner.
The Kindergarten class had a Christmas Pageant at Center school on Wed-
Continued on Page 2

The Red Cross is calling for blood donors. The Bloodmobile will be at the Y.M.C.A. in Naugatuck on Dec. 28th from 12:00 noon until 5:00 P.M. Please call Nrs. Nicolas Spkyman if you are able to help.