Index Pages in this issue: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bethany P.T.A. Holds Successful Hobby Show
Over seventy members and friends attended the regular monthly meeting of the Bethany P.T.A. at the Community School on Monday evening.
In the course of the business meeting, several parents commented on reports of recent disturbances in school buses, and Principal James Warburton agreed to call an assembly on Tuesday and read the bus rules to the pupils again. He also asked that parents report disturbances to him immediately.
Mr. Warburton announced that the teachers are available for conferences with parents each day between closing-time and 4:00 o'clock, before all P.T.A. meetings, and by special appointment.
After the business meeting, the guests were entertained with a Hobby Show.
The fifteen exhibits were displayed on tables in front of the room and included the following: A group of soap sculptures by children of the sixth grade (a duck by Larry Hackerman, an elephant by Lee Riley, squirrels by Billy Edwards, Clifford Stowe, and Herman Scott, and a figurine by Steve Santoro); a collection of glass and china horses belonging to Rita Williams, who is in fourth
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Bethany Notes
Mr. Iverson Graham will conduct the regular Sunday morning service of the First Church of Christ in Bethany at 11:00 A.M. Sunday School will begin at 9:45 A.M.
Barbara Ames, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ames of Robertson Drive, is recuperating at home after an appendicitis operation.
Mr. William Irving Tuttle has been confined to his home on Amity Road by illness for the past three weeks.
The Reverend Alfred J. Wakeman celebrated his 86th brithday on Thursday, February 8. His family honored him with a turkey dinner at the home of his daughter, Dr. Ella W. Calhoun on Hatfield Hill
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Betnay, Orange, Woodbridge Residents Discuss Sports
Last Tuesday evening a group of representatives from Bethany, Orange, and Woodbridge met at the Woodbridge Town Hall to discuss recreational facilities in the three towns. Interest in young people's baseball teams has been expressed by many residents in the area, and possible arrangements for a series of games were suggested.
Edward Lee and John Gervasoni from Bethany, J. B. Lightfoot and Frank Keefe from Orange, and Mrs. Arthur W. Kemp, Daniel Jennette, Maurice Powell, and Frank Martino of the Woodbridge Recreation Committee attended. Mr. Martino is Chairman of the Woodbridge group, which is appointed by the Selectmen and has operating funds apportioned in the Town budget.
Selectmen Call Special Town Meeting Tuesday
A Special Town Meeting will be held at the Bethany Town Hall on Tuesday, February 20, at 8:00 P.M., for the following purposes:
(1) to accept or reject a grant in the sum of $20,677.53 from the Connecticut Public School Building Commission upon the recently-completed school addition.
(2) To receive information concerning new school building needs and to elect a committee to work with the Board of Education in formulating a program to be submitted at a later Town Meeting.
Seymour Notes
The Seymour Methodist Church obsesrved the First Sunday of Lent this week with a special service of worship. The Rev. Robert C. McMillan, pastor, officiated. The service included the observance of "Race Relations Sunday," in connection with Brotherhood Month now being observed.
There will be special Lenten services at St. Augustine's Church in Seymour each Wednesday evening at 7:30. There will also be a children's service of the Stations of the Cross each Friday evening.
St. Thomas Church in Oxford will hold special services each Friday evening during Lent at 7:30.
The holders of the winning tickets issues at the Strand Theatre on February 3 were Fred and Sherrill Hallaman. The children and their parents were invited to accompany Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donovan to New Haven to meet Gene Autry at the Hotel Taft before his
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Bethany P.T.A. Hobby Show
Photo by Edmondson
Guests and exhibitors examining some of the fifteen collections displayed at the Bethany Community School on Monday evening.
Women Voters' Leagues Meet In Bethany and Woodbridge to Discuss State Reorganization
The Bethany Discussion Unit of the League of Women Voters of Greater New Haven will meet on Wednesday evening, February 21, at 8:00 P.M., at the home of Mrs. Nicholas J. Spykman on Bethway Road. The subject will be, "Can the Pattern of Government in Connecticut be Improved?" The guest speakers will be Mrs. W. R. Willard, of New Haven, Co-Chairman of the State Structure-of-Government Committee, and Clifford W. Wilcox, Bethany's Representative in the Legislature. As noted earlier, copies of several publications relating to proposed state government reorganization have been placed on a special shelf in the Bethany library.
The Woodbridge Unit of the Greater New Haven League will meet on February 26 to hear a talk by Mrs. Wadsworth Stone, whose topic will be, "Should We Have a Fair System of Representation in Connecticut?" More detailed plans for this meeting will be announced at a later date.
Many Orange Residents Working to Produce Play For Feb. 23-24
The set for "Dear Ruth," to be presented by the Paugusset Club on February 23 and 24, is being constructed in Carl Goodwin's garage on Orange Center Road. Carl says it's getting to be a question of which comes first, the flats or his car. Hel'll be lucky if his car gets in the garage at all the way the set is progressing. John Gamsby, whose artistic talents are well known, is in charge of the stage settings.
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If anyone knows how to make lilacs out of crepe paper -- Frannie Chase of Grassy Hill Road is the one to get in on the secret. Frannie is in charge of Costumes and Makeup for the Paugusset production of "Dear Ruth" and her co-chairman in charge of Props is Peg Lindsay of Orange Center Road. Their current problem is how to produce the effect of a room full of lilacs which creates a hilarious scene in the play.
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If anything goes wrong in connection with the Paugusset production of "Dear Ruth," there are plenty of legal lights to find a way out. Tom O'Sullivan, who plays the part of "Albert Kummer" is judge of the Town Court in Orange and Thorne Corse who plays the lead role of "Lieutenant Bill Seawright" is Prosecuting Attorney. Just to round out the pattern, "Pem" Hoyt who plays the part of "Judge Wilkins"
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Speaks Tonight
Photo by Ringenberg
Carroll G. Alton-Means examining one of his volumes of rare valentines recently obtained from a well-known English collection.
Young People of Woodbridge Hold Valentine Dance
A large group of teenagers held a Valentine dance at the Woodbridge Club last Saturday evening. High points in the evening were several novelty dances. Awards for the best couples in the Prize Waltz were made to Patty Robinson, escorted by Terry Vidal, and Valerie Chappell, whose partner was Charles Griffith. The music was provided by a Yale student orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hubbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Scranton were hosts and hostesses for the affair.
Before the dance, Miss Denise Kellner entertained with a Coke Party at her home on Fairgrounds Road. The list of guests included: the Misses Mary Jane Gordy, Mary Elizabeth Bishop, Barbara Angier, Elaine Pendleton, Sally Watrous, Cornelia Eaton, Judy Greene, Patty Robinson, Ann Casey, Dorothy Brancato,
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Orange Notes
The Orange Congregational Church Sunday School meets as usual this Sunday at 10:00 A.M., with classes from the first grade through high school, under the general supervision of Daniel Schmitt, Jr. The Kindergarten Department meets at 11:00 A.M., the time of the regular church service. At this service the Rev. Lewis E. Purdum will give, this week, the second in a series of Lenten sermons on The Beatitudes, "They That Mourn." There will be special music prepared by Mrs. William A. Knight, or-
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Center School P.T.A. To Hear Means Tonight
Among the many collectors which this area can claim, one of the most active is Carroll G. Alton-Means, or Clark Road, Woodbridge -- and one of his most extensive and most interesting collections comprises over 5,000 valentines. Many of these he will show when he speaks before the Center School Parent-Teacher Association at their postponed meeting in the School Auditorium at 8:00 P.M. this evening.
The observance of Valentine's Day is very old, going back for its origin to Roman times, but the practice of sending paper tokens of love has become widely developed only in the last two centuries. Mr. Means's collection, one of the finest of its kind in this country, includes specimens representing all the various periods of development, with emphasis on the 19th Century, which was really the golden age of the ornate, elaborate valentine.
Mr. Means, who calls himself "a third-generation collector," has spent over twenty years
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Orange And Woodbridge American Legion Posts Open Rolls to Veterans Of Korean War
Orange Post, No. 127, and Woodbridge Post, No. 120, American Legion, have opened their membership rolls to honorably-discharged veterans of the Korean War, according to announcements made recently by the organizations. This action is in line with the national policy of the American Legion.
Commander James J. Moran, of Orange Post, has stated: "Veterans who served in the armed forces of the United States on or after June 25, 1950, and subsequently received honorable discharges, are now eleigible for Legion membershipl" He pointed out that the organization already represents veterans of all branches of the armed forces in World Wars I and II.
Woodbridge Notes
The regular worship service (and the Church School) will begin at 10:30 on Sunday morning at the First Church of Christ. The subject of the Reverend Mr. Randall's sermon will be: "The Grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ." The Pilgrim Fellowship will meet at 7:00 P.M. in the Church Parlors. On Wednesday evening, February 21, the third of six Lenten Meetings will be held at the Church. The Reverend Father Ernest M. Wilson, of St. Aedan's Roman Catholic Church, Westville, will speak on "The Training of a Parish Priest."
At the Church of the Assumption, St. Ann's Parish, a special 7:00 o'clock Mass is being held each morning during Lent. On Thursdays at 7:30 P.M., the Stations of the Cross and a ser-
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