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Means Speaks --
(Continued from page 1)
assembling his valentine collection. It includes pieces from many parts of this country and from some of the best collections in England.
Mrs. Lionel Sutfin will preside as Chairman of tonight's meeting, and a large attendance is expected.

Young People --
(Continued from page 1)
Marilyn Meister, Audrey Melbourne, Valerie Chappell, Carla Rueckert, Joan Gilbert, and Martha Hoyt; also Charles Marvin, Terry Vidal, Bee Watrous, Stephen Merselis, Bobby Brakewood, Peter Smith, J. Roetting, Edwin Hill, Jack Haesler, Billy Rosenquest, Robert Hubbell, and Tom Miner.

Clocks     Watches     Jewelry
11 Bank St., Seymour, Conn.
Tel. 2579

A good deal for your dollars $$$
A good deal for you --
when you buy a used car at New Haven Buick
226 Whalley Ave.
Est. -- 1919      Tel: 7-1101
open evenings
The Largest Used Car Inside Display in Town

From Means Collection of Valentines
Photo by Ringenberg
Representative samples from the collection of Carroll G. Alton-Means: Valentines from various historical periods, chosen from among the 5,000 which he owns. Black-and-white reproduction, unfortunately, cannot give any indication of how beautifully colored some of these specimens are.

for courteous and dependable service, come to Kenney's Pharmacy
Corner of Whalley & Dayton
Phone 3-2571
Free Delivery
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded

Headquarters For Most Any Water Trouble
Call Geo. M. Hatch Co.
871 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Tel. 3-3912

The Clothesline
Marjorie Shutkin     Bethany, Conn.
Telephone 3-1171
Sample Wool Suits
Size 10 -- Black Broadcloth 29.95
Size 12 -- Green Tweed 27.95
Size 14 -- Light Grey Flannel 32.95
Size 16 -- Oxford Grey Flannel 39.95

Sperry Road     Tel. 3-1912
Whitlock Farm
Fancy Broad-breasted Poultry

Woodbridge Notes --
(Continued from page 3)
cucci of Manila Avenue on Thursday, February 15, at 7:30 P.M. The group will discuss plans for future meetings with the Reverend Father Michael F. Blanshard, Pastor of St. Anne's Parish.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whiting, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn attended the National Security Dinner at the Hotel Taft on Saturday evening, February 10.
On Saturday, February 10, the Woodbridge Club sponsored bowling for the children in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades at the Masonic Temple in Westville. Members of high school age will use the alleys on Saturday, February 17, beginning at 2:00 o'clock. The success of this project is, in great measure, due to Mr. Seelye Vidal, who has generously given his time to its direction.
At the Parent-Teacher meeting of the William Warner School last Thursday evening, Victor Tibaldeo, accordionist, entertained the group. Mr. Tibaldeo also introduced three of his pupils, Elaine Dynia, Bobby Naccarato, and Nick Colavolpe, who performed for the assembled guests.
A regular monthly Assembly will be held in the new auditorium room of the Warner School on Friday afternoon, February 16. All the children in the school will take part in a Washington-Lincoln Holiday program. Parents and friends are cordially invited.
Mrs. George Hubbell of Amity Road is undergoing treatment at St. Raphael's Hospital.

Tel. 3-0956
Merritt Russell
Bethany, Ct.
Bethany Fuel
Range and Fuel Oil
Your Neighborhood Dealer
Serving Bethany and Woodbridge

For a full variety of choice Dry or Sweet Wines, shop at Cozzolino's Package Store, Inc.
845 Whalley St.
Phone 3-0440
Daily Delivery to Woodbridge & Bethany
Buy a Case & Save

Orange Notes --
(Continued from page 1)
ganist and choir director. At 7:00 o'clock in the evening the Young People's Forum will have as its guest speaker Miss Betty Carpenter, of the Yale Divinity School. Ellen Rogers will lead the worship service.
Saturday afternoon, February 17, from noon to 5 o'clock, the Catholic Women's Guild of Orange will hold a food sale in the Orange Town Hall. The public is invited. Mrs. William N. Lindsey, Jr. is chairman of the committee in charge of the sale.
A large group of Orange Colony Club members attended the Valentine Bridge party at the Congregational church on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Charles Miles was chairman of the affair, with Mrs. John Lutters and Mrs. George W. Perkins as co-chairmen. The committee in charge of the arrangements included: Mrs. Thomas Wright, Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Harold Hanson, Mrs. Russell Warner, Mrs. Donald Ackley, Mrs. Norman Ginter, Mrs. David Mathewson, Mrs. Eric Wainman, and Mrs. Stanley Davis. Dessert was served and table and door prizes were awarded during the course of the evening.
Mrs. John Williams, Chairman of the Red Cross in Orange, will meet with her committee for tea at the home of Mrs.
(Continued on page 5)

1290 Whalley     Tel. 3-0903
Parkway Sandwich Bar
Sandwiches and Fountain Service
Open 7 A.M. to Midnight

Bearer of this Ad will get 20% discount on any snowsuit throughout February.
Paul's Dept. Store
920 Whalley     Tel. 3-2224

12 Fountain St.     New Haven
Melodee Lane records
Children's -- Classical

D'Andrea's Pharmacy
Famous for Prescriptions
M. S. D'Andrea, Reg. Pharm.
911 Whalley Ave.     New Haven, Conn.
We Deliver     Phone 3-0642
Hallmark Cards
Fine Cosmetics
School Supplies

Mondrone's Service Station
Sunoco Gas
Gas Oil!
Phone 3-0958
Towing Day and Night
Wrecker Service
24 Hour Towing Service
"As Near As Your Phone"
Night Phone 3-1933
Woodbridge, Conn.