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Calendar --
(Continued from Page 1)
W -- American Legion Women's Auxiliary, Legion Hall.
Wednesday, March 7
B -- Ladies Aid, home of Mrs. William Coy, 10:30 A.M.
B -- Bowling, Broadway Alleys.
O -- Ladies Society, Church, 8:00 P.M.
W -- Lenten Meeting, Church, 8:00 P.M.; speaker, Rev. Stanley E. Anderson
Coming Events
March 8
B -- 4-H Party, Community School, 7:00 P.M.
S -- Talent Show.
March 9
S -- Sophomore Spring Swing, High School.
March 10
B -- Teenage Dance, Community School.
March 11
O -- Johnson Jr. Symphony, Center School, 3:30 P.M.
March 12
O -- Men's Club, Church.
March 13
O -- Farm Bureau Homemaking Group.
March 15
O -- Bridge-Luncheon, Ladies Society, Church.
S -- Grange Minstrel Show, Clark Memorial Auditoriaum.
March 17
B -- Eight O'Clock Club, card party, Town Hall.
April 12
W -- "Wormwood Manor," W. Club
April 13
B -- "Aunt Susie Shoots the Works," Town Hall.
W -- "Wormwood Manor," W. Club.
April 14
B -- "Aunt Susie Shoots the Works," Town Hall.
W -- "Wormwood Manor," W. Club.

Interior Decorator
Slip Covers -- Draperies -- Bedspreads
910 Whalley
Phone 3-0691 or 3-0135

Peter - Paul Market
1279 Whalley Ave.
New Haven 3-1310
Servicing Bethany and Woodbridge Tuesdays & Fridays
Full Line of Quality Food Needs for your Kitchen
Prime Meats Our Speciality
Free Delivery
Orders Must Be Phoned In by Noon on Day of Delivery

Bethany Notes
Word has recently been received of the death of George Guy Murphy, for many years a resident of Bethany. Mr. Murphy was born in Portsmouth, Virginia on January 19, 1878. He was a graduate of Waterbury High School and of Yale University, class of 1902. While at Yale, he played on the Varsity football squad. He is survived by a sister, Miss Jane Murphy, of Bethany, and a nephew, George Schlosser, of Naugatuck.

Janice L. Harris
Sadye R. Abeshouse
Tel: 3-4811
House of Charm
at 1299 Whalley Ave.
Gifts -- Antiques
Greeting Cards -- Stationery

Edward's Kiddie Korner
1331 Whalley     Tel. 3-4363.
Easter Parade
Bonnets, Straw Hats by Steinhardt of New York
Dresses styled by Grow-Tall, Loomcraft & Hedy-Joyce
Suits fashioned by McKem & Playland
Blouses by Linda Gay & Chippy
Jackets, pants, shirts, ties, E-Z & Springfoot socks
Nylon & cotton slips by Sue Style, Peter Piper Shoes
Ladies Cannon Nylons & Lingerie, Playtex girdles

Whitlock Farm
Sperry Road     Bethany
Squab Chickens
Smoked Turkey
Discount at Farm
Eat Turkey Often
Tel. 3-1912

Dance Committee
Group of Teenagers who planned the Square Dance held at the Woodbridge Club last Friday evening. In the back row (l. to r.) are Pamela Jewett, the chairman, and Sy Mansfield, Harry Ingholt, Chuck Kadlec, and Marty Daniell. Front row (l. to r.): Claire Bauer, Ann Stoddard, Kathy Bishop, and Harriet Meiss.

Watching Teenagers
Watching the Teenagers at their Woodbridge lub Square Dance last Saturday night: Curtiss K. Thompson and Mr. Thompson, A. L. Jewett, Mrs. William Stoddard, Mr. Soddard, and Dr. Clement Clarke. The Thompsons were host and hostess for the occasion.

Bethany Notes
The Ladies Aid of the First Church of Christ, Congregational, will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. William Coy on Bethmour Road on Wednesday, March 7. The meeting will begin at 10:30 A.M., and the ladies will work on their sewing projects. A covered dish luncheon will be served. Each member is asked to bring her own place setting.
The Jolly Juniors 4-H Club wil meet on Tuesday, March 6, at the home of Susan Vaill on Litchfield Turnpike. At this meeting, the group will complete plans for their 4-H party which will be held on Thursday evening, March 8, at the Community School. The party is in celebration of National 4-H week.

Pipeline --
(Continued from page 1)
In describing the hearing to this paper, one Woodbridge resident said: "No one seemed to question the need for bringing natural gas into Connecticut. It was more a matter of proper regulation of the natural gas pipeline companies."
Among those attending the hearing were: Mrs. Nicholas J. Spykman and Representative Clifford W. Wilcox of Bethany; Maurice Rogers of Orange; and, from Woodbridge, First Selectman Theodore R. Clark, Town Clerk Newton H. Street, Police Chief Kenneth W. Howland, Mr. Gordon S. Haight, Edwin J. Hill, M. Raleigh Jeynes, Gilbert Martin, Clifford I. Stoddard, and Richard Sweet.
Mr. Rogers has been chosen to represent the Town of Orange on a Committee for Legislation to Control Pipelines, and Chief Howland and Mr. Stoddard have been named to represent Woodbridge. This Committee has representation from Brookfield, Fairfield, Trumbull, New Canaan, Norwalk, Westport, Stamford, and other towns.

Westville Package Store
Fine Liquors
Imported and Domestic
859 Whalley Ave.
Westville Center

Headquarters For Most Any Water Trouble
Call Geo. M. Hatch Co.
871 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Tel. 3-3912

Bethany Notes
At the meeting of the Bethany discussion group at the home of Mrs. Nicholas J. Spykman last Wednesday, Mrs. W.R. Willard, Chairman of the State Structure-of-Government Committee of the League of Women Voters, and Clifford W. Wilcox, Bethany's State Representative, led a discussion on the various proposals for redistricting representation in the state. More equable allotment of seats between rural and city areas is being urged by many political leaders.

Over-The-Counter Insurance
Real Estate Photo Display
Harry Merwin

A good deal for your dollars $$$
A good deal for you -- when you buy a used car at New Haven Buick
226 Whalley Ave.
Est. -- 1919     Tel: 7-1101
open evenings
The Largest Used Car Inside Display in Town

Phone 6-4141
Movie Cameras
Fritz & Hawley
Guild Opticians
Developing and Printing
816 Chapel Street
New Haven, Conn.

Tel. 3-0188     Harold Brown Mgr.
Westville Grain Co.
Amity Road Corner Wright St.
Power Mower
Penn 21-Inch
Wirthmore Dog Food
25 Lbs. $2.81
Garden Tools
Spade Fork $2.19
14-Tooth Rake $2.25
Prompt Delivery to Westville, Woodbridge, and Bethany