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Woodbridge Notes
Miss Joan Emanuelson, Mrs. John O'Conner, and Mrs. Elliott Plowe will give a preview of models for the Woodbridge Club Fashion show on the television program, "Up At Joe's Place' on Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 P.M.
The fifth in a series of Wednesday evening Lenten meetings will take place on March 7 in the Church Social Room at 8 P.M. The speaker will be the Reverend Stanley E. Anderson, Assistant Pastor of Center Church in New Haven, and his topic will be "The Church Confronts Its Modern Rivals."
On Sunday, March 4, the Reverend Francis P. Randall will preach a sermon on "The Power of The Gospel."
The Women's Auxiliary of Woodbridge Post No. 120, American Legion, will hold its regular monthly business meeting at Legion Hall on Tuesday, March 6. The hostesses will be Mrs. Helga Dunn and Mrs. Jean Dunn.

62 Dayton St.     Phone 3-2936
Corner Whalley
Reliable Food Market
Sirloin & Porterhouse $1.10 lb.
Fresh Shoulders .47 lb.

Phone 3-0925
Hicks Shell Station
29 Fountain St.
Westville, New Haven

For a full variety of choice Dry or Sweet Wines, shop at Cozzolino's Package Store, Inc.
845 Whalley St.
Phone 3-0440
Daily Delivery to Woodbridge & Bethany
Buy a Case & Save

Firemen --
(Continued from Page 1)
two trucks, these fires received the attention of 17, 11, and 12 men, respectively.
Ten men and two trucks were called out again in Bethany at 11:15 A.M. on Monday, for a grass fire on Amity Road north of the State Police Barracks.
The Bethany Department was called out again on Monday evening, for what was aparently a false alarm, on Bethmour Road. Fifteen men and two trucks responded.
Wardens May Issue Permits
Beginning today (and until December 1), permits are required for burning in the open. These are issues in each town by the Fire Wardens, who have the authority to refuse to grant permits on any day when conditions are too hazardous for safe burning. Anyone who kindles a fire in the ohpen without a permit is liable to arrest and prosecution, under State law.
Wardens Listed
In Orange the Senior Warden is Benjamin Foyer. His assistants are Benjamin Foyer, Jr., Ellsworth Warner, and Charles Treat.
Charles A. Sattig is District Forest Fire Warden in Woodbridge, and his Deputies are James W. Melbourne, John J. Ryan, Leonard C. Whiting, Jr., and Carl R. Williams.
In Bethany Fire Chief Edward H. Hinman is WArden. The Deputy Wardens are Gordon V. Carrington, Frederic E. Cunningham, Stanley H. Downs, Henry J. LaCroix, Victor Strom, and Gilbert Whitlock.

38 Fountain St.     Tel. 3-1690
Heritage Shop
Watch for CORO Jewelry on the Vanity Fair Television Show Tuesdays at 4:30
Jewelry by Coro
Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
Krum's Candies Fresh Every Week

for courteous and dependable service, come to Kenney's Pharmacy
Corner of Whalley & Dayton
Phone 3-2571
Free Delivery
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded

Brookside Farm
Amity Road, Woodbridge
Up to 4 lb. -- 49¢ lb.
Over 4 lb. -- 55¢ lb.
Vito Luciani

No need to beat your spear into a pruning-hook (if you have a spear). ....
No need to borrow your neighbor's axe (if you have a neighbor). ....
We have all the necessary pruning and cutting tools for your pre-Spring trimming.
Jackson-Marvin Hardware Company
843 Whalley Ave.     Westville

Classified advertising rates will be 15¢ per line, 50¢ minimum per insertion
Wanted to Rent -- 5-room apt. or 6-room house near bus line, greater New Haven area. Call Advertising Manager, Zemel Bros., 5-9904.
For Sale -- Modern 6-room house: living-room with Heatolator fireplace, dining-room, bedroom, very modern kitchen; 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms and bath. Full-size cellar, hot air (coal) furnace, electric pump, electric hot water heater. Dug well. Lot: 112 feet front, 427 feet deep. Price: $11,000. Bruce Robertson, Bear Hill Road, Bethany. Tel. 3-4210 or 3-4363.
Experienced Paperhanger and Paitner, Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates, Prompt Service, Work Guaranteed. Call Ted Moore at 8-9547.
Help Wanted, Male -- full-time, permanent jobs available. Call Hoff Mfg. Co., Johnson Road, Bethany, 3-1023.
Bethany Residents -- Would you like fresh eggs delivered every Saturday? Call Rainbow Farm, 3-2154.
For Sale -- Standard double laundry tubs, complete with stand and swing-type mixing faucet. Perfect condition. $10. Call 3-0588
Wanted -- Printer's hand-lever paper cutter, 30-inch knife. Address: Box D, Amity Star.
Wanted -- Part One of Bethany Sketches aand Records by Sharpe (or both volumes). Also any other books, etc., on Bethany. Gilbert Whitlock, Sperry Road.
For Sale -- Package store. Successful, going business. Inquire at SY 9-2149.
For Sale -- Maisonette Dresses. Spring and summer styles now ready, sizes 3 to 52, also 1/2-sizes. Materials of finest quality. Call Edith Simpson, 3-1419.
For Sale -- Universal electric range, 4 burners, good condition, reasonable. Call 3-0566
For Sale -- 1942 Chrysler New Yorker, good running condition -- $400. Telephone 3-4690.
Rush, Cane, and Splint Chair Seats
Also Porch Chairs, Earle Bradley, Taft Street, Orange.
For Rent -- Apartment, 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. Telephone 3-2371.
Notice -- All news items and requests for information can be addressed to "The Amity Star", R.F.D. #2, Bethany, or called in at New Haven 3-1682.
Extra Money -- for men & women -- Spare or full-time booking orders for new amazing Scotch-lite Name Plate for top of rural mail boxes that Shine At Nite. Government ruling requires name on mail box. Easy to make $10. daily. Write Illuminated Sign Co., 3004 1st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.

1297 Whalley Ave.     Near Davis St.
Parkway Self-Service Launderette
Shirts -- Dry Cleaning -- Hosiery -- Toys -- Jewelry

Dine and Dance at Bence's Grill and Restaurant
Established 1905
Catering to Weddings -- Banquets -- Parties
Tel. 3-0904
1178 Whalley Ave.
New Haven, Conn.

Red Cross --
(Continued from page 1)
town of Bethany to support this worthy cause as they have always done in past years. Mr. Worthington has the assistance of a committee of collectors who will visit all the homes in the town.
The quota for Bethany has been increased approximately 50% over 1950, due chiefly to the war in Korea and, also, the great expenditures necessary to carry out the blook program. Blood is now available in all hospitals in this area at no cost to the individual except for a small hospital fee for administering. Mrs. Sizer and Mrs. Nichoas J. Spykman have donated a considerable amount of time to the blood program and othe rRed Cross activities. Response to the call for blood donors has been very good in this area.
Approximately 65% of all funds contributed by Bethany residents in 1950 were used to care for Bethany families, veterans, and service men. During the period from March 1, 1950, to the present date, the Home Service Department of the Naugatuck Chapter, American Red Cross, has given helpful service to eight families in Bethany. Without the help of Mrs. Sidney Svirsky as Social Welfare Aide in Bethany, the cost of giving this service would undoubtedly have been greater because the Home Service Director would have had to spend much more time personally on these cases. Mrs. Svirsky has made twenty home visits in Bethany and has given approximately 50 hours of volunteer service for the Home Service Department.
During the coming fund campaign, 18.3% of all money collected by the Naugatuck Chapter will be sent to National Headquarters. This money is used to alleviate suffering in mass disasters, to supply our military posts throughout the United States and in overseas areas with Red Cross personnel, and for services in military hospitals. In two Bethany cases, it was necessary to contact Red Cross Field Directors in order to give the service needed. Without this contact on the other end, it would have been impossible to serve these Bethany families.

M. Palmieri
Range and Fuel Oil
1372 Whalley     New Haven,
Atlantic Station
Tel. 3-0920     Res. 7-3487

Mutual Auto Stores, Inc.
Bicycles - Toys - Radios
We Make Keys
898 Whalley Ave.     Tel. 3-4171
Westville Center

Airport Service Station
Opposite Airport
Fresh Fruit
Naugatuck Dairy Ice Cream
Gas, Oil, Groceries
The place is small, yet we have a large variety of merchandise. Come in and look it over.
Otto Anderson, Prop.

The Clothesline
Marjorie Shutkin     Bethany, Conn.
Telephone 3-1171
Toppers $25.00 to $39.95
Tie print silk and silkshantung dresses $18.95 and $19.95
Cashmere sweaters - - - imported wool
Short Sleeve Slipover $10.39
Cardigan $13.50

Five Days Only!
1900 - Whitlock's - 1951
51st Anniversary Sale
Reductions to 50% at Connecticut's Largest Book Store
Latest Fiction and Non-Fiction, Art Books and Biography, Publishers' Overstocks, Out-of-Print and Used Books and Sets. Stationery, Supplies.
February 26th thru March 2nd
Whitlock's Inc.
Established 1900
15 Broadway - New Haven, Connecticut

Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R.
U. S. Postage Paid
New Haven, Conn.
Permit No. 902